is an implementation of the Rust builtin debugging macro dbg
The purpose of this package is to provide a better and more effective workflow for people who are "print debuggers".
pip install pydbg
a = 2
b = 3
print(f"a + b after instatiated = {a+b}")
def square(x: int) -> int:
return x * x
print(f"a squared with my function = {square(a)}")
a + b after instatiated = 5
a squared with my function = 4
from pydbg import dbg
a = 2
b = 3
def square(x: int) -> int:
return x * x
[] a+b = 5
[] square(a) = 4
The next features that are planned are:
- Fancy Mode (display information about the whole callstack)
- Performance Optimizations
- Typing information
Thanks to everyone who has submitted an issue or thoughts on this project. Special thanks to those who have submitted a PR to make this project better for everyone: