I am experimenting in making a mmr discord bot for among us. This is version one of that but its 1 on 1 only and can be used for diff games. I use it for geoguessr.
1- Extract Project Files in a Folder! 2- Open the folder in your IDE such as Visual Studio Code 3- Open config.json file and replace all the required fields with the required arguments
- token (Get from https://discord.com/developers/applications)
- Make sure you enable all the Intents (Server Members,Presense and Message Content)
- errorsLoggingChannel (Add a text channel id where you want to log the possible errors)
- gameVoiceChannelId (Add a voice channel id which is required for users to join for duel)
- gameTextChannelId (Add a text channel id where duel will happen)
- mongooseConnectionString If you dont know How to get one -> (https://youtu.be/EgePmRp2c9g) 4- Type npm i 5- Then run with node . or node index.js