Hi! I am Chris, originally from Hong Kong, now living in the UK. I am a Rust Software Engineer. I am the founder of SeaQL.org, best known for developing SeaORM . I am committed to open source and developer toolings, now focusing on FireDBG
. I am looking to meet potential co-founders who are also dedicated to improving developer experience.
Open source is my north star. I published my first computer graphics library on GitHub when I was 18 years old. At 27 years old, I quit my job and poured all the money I have and founded Vision Cortex, best known for developing VTracer . Later I discovered a niche in the Rust ecosystem, so we pivoted and started working on SeaQL.
SeaQL won the OpenUK Awards 2023 in the Software category.
I believe in open-source software. Collaborating on open source development represents humanity’s most remarkable technological progress. Open-source encapsulates our collective wisdom and embodies our shared commitment to tackle problems beyond our individual capacities—whether those of a person or a company. It's the best thing we can leave for posterity.
Creating open-source software isn’t easy, and funding an organisation can be hard. I continue to search for better ways to fund, build and grow open-source projects, and to invite more people into this community.
Maintainer burnout is a real issue. As a maintainer I felt the grind everyday. I rely on a glimpse of hope in which the industry is becoming more supportive to community-driven open source (as opposed to corporate-driven); and that we can eventually stumble upon a way to make open source sustainable.

I am not in academia, but I am glad to have been cited for my work. My interest includes computer graphics, computational geometry, real-time programming, compilers / debuggers and software engineering techniques.
- A Momentum Function Description and Tessellation Method for Polyline
- Drawing Lines is Hard
- Drawing Antialiased Lines with OpenGL
- SKILL 2023 Framework to Vectorize Digital Artworks for Physical Fabrication based on Geometric Stylization Techniques
- arXiv 2023 Image Vectorization: a Review
- arXiv 2023 StarVector: Generating Scalable Vector Graphics Code from Images
- arXiv 2024 Text-Based Reasoning About Vector Graphics
- arXiv 2024 Delving into LLMs' visual understanding ability using SVG to bridge image and text
Not yet?