The networkmeasures package is implementing efficiency and vulnerability as metrics for assessing network complexity, e.g. traffic, family or business network. These metrics were first described by Latora et al (2001; 2005) and Goldshtein et al (2004).
This package was developed during uRos the 2019 Unconf. We implemented:
- The unweighted global efficieny measure for an igraph network (reference)
- naive implementation, using the average inverse shortest path between all the nodes
- The unweighted local efficiency measure.
You can install the development version from github, using the remotes
remotes::install_github('uRosConf/networkmeasures/pkg', build_vignettes = TRUE)
The vignette introduction provides an intro to the functions and the theory behind them.
vignette("introduction", package = "networkmeasures")
Gol’dshtein, Vladimir, GA Koganov, and Gregory I Surdutovich. 2004. “Vulnerability and Hierarchy of Complex Networks.” arXiv Preprint Cond-Mat/0409298.
Latora, Vito, and Massimo Marchiori. 2001. “Efficient Behavior of Small-World Networks.” Physical Review Letters 87 (19). APS: 198701.
———. 2005. “Vulnerability and Protection of Infrastructure Networks.” Physical Review E 71 (1). APS: 015103.