DCM stack integrating tools to control Pepper robot
- install dependencies
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-pepper-robot ros-indigo-pepper-meshes ros-indigo-pepper-control ros-indigo-naoqi-dcm-driver
- then, install pepper_dcm_bringup or compile it from source
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-pepper-dcm-bringup
- optionally, install pepper_moveit_config
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-pepper-moveit-config
To command your robot remotely with Ros control:
- be aware that the package will stop Autonomous Life on your robot.
- export your robot IP address
export NAO_IP=<your_robot_ip>
- then, start the DCM bringup
roslaunch pepper_dcm_bringup pepper_bringup.launch
- you can control the robot using Moveit! (install it previously)
roslaunch pepper_moveit_config moveit_planner.launch
- or you can send a trajectory to the desired controller (actionlib)
rosrun actionlib axclient.py <name of the goal topic of the action server>
rosrun actionlib axclient.py /pepper_dcm/LeftArm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/goal
To choose the controllers you want to load, modify pepper_control/launch/pepper_control_trajectory.launch. The list of implemented controllers, you can find in pepper_control/config/pepper_trajectory_control.yaml. You can start and stop the ros-controllers using the rqt plugin ControllerManager.