hitter is a bot of slack, which can randomly select members and perform translations.
- Use the following icon for the bot
- Works as a slack bot
- It works by mentoring the bot and entering the default commands.
- Add a bot to the slack channel and use it
- May be subject to slack and AWS Lambda limitations
The following five commands are currently available
- hit
- Randomly selected from the members of the channel
- translate
- Translate the text as you type it.
- link
- Generate a pre-signed URL to get access the attachments
- short
- Generate a shortened URL with expiration date
- help
- Displays help for the command
Go 1.15+
Packages in use
- aws / aws-lambda-go: ALibraries, samples and tools to help Go developers develop AWS Lambda functions.
- slack-go / slack: Slack API in Go - community-maintained fork created by the original author, @nlopes
- guregu / dynamo: expressive DynamoDB library for Go
- google / uuid: Go package for UUIDs based on RFC 4122 and DCE 1.1: Authentication and Security Services.
- araddon / dateparse: GoLang Parse many date strings without knowing format in advance.
- kelseyhightower / envconfig: Golang library for managing configuration data from environment variables
Python 3.8+
Node.js 14+
aws / aws-cdk: The AWS Cloud Development Kit is a framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code
For details on how to use each command, see below
- Synopsis
@hitter hit <number of selections> [<options> ...]
- Please specify the number of people to select.
- It is an error to specify how many people to select for a channel
- It may take longer to run if there are too many participants in the channel
- Options
--ex <@channel participant>
- You can specify which members you want to exclude from the selection
- Multiple options can be configured
- Be sure to specify the format in which you want to mention
- Examples
@hitter hit 2
- I will select two participants from the channel
@hitter hit 3 --ex @userA --ex @userB
- We will select three participants from the channel
- There are options, so @userA and @userB are not available
- Synopsis
- Synopsis
@hitter translate <input text>
- Input text is recognized even if it is on a new line
- The language you entered is automatically determined
- If there is a mixture of languages, it may not be determined correctly.
- The upper limit of the input string depends on the maximum input value of slack
- Whenever Japanese is entered, it will be translated into English.
- If you enter a language other than Japanese, it will always be translated into Japanese.
- Options
- None
- Examples
@hitter translate AWS is the world's most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform
- It's an English input, so it will be translated into Japanese
@hitter translate AWS は、世界で最も包括的で広く採用されているクラウドプラットフォームです
- It's a Japanese input, so it will be translated into English
- Synopsis
- Synopsis
@hitter link <expired minutes> <attachments>
- Please specify the number of minutes of validity
- Pre-Signed URLs will become invalid after the expiry minutes
- Expiration minutes is dependent on AWS limitations
- https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/presigned-url-s3-bucket-expiration/
- AWS Security Token Service (STS): corresponds to a maximum of 36 hours of availability in this case
- The default expiration minutes is set to 15 minutes
- Multiple attachments are allowed.
- Pre-Signed URLs are generated per attachment
- The attachment size limit depends on the memory size of AWS Lambda
- Options
- None
- Examples
@hitter link attachmentA
- Generate a pre-signed URL for attachment A
@hitter link attachmentA attachmentB
- Generates pre-signed URLs for attachment A and attachment B, respectively
- Synopsis
- Synopsis
@hitter short <URL> <option>
- Please specify the URL to be shortened
- Options
--ttl <expiration date>
- Shortened URLs will not be available after the expiration date
- The default expiration date is set to 1 day
- The number of days of validity depends on the TTL feature of Amazon DynamoDB
- Depending on the timing of the deletion, the specified expiration date may be exceeded.
- Examples
@hitter short https://www.example.com/
- Generate a shortened URL for https://www.example.com/
@hitter short https://www.example.net/ --ttl 4
- Generates a shortened URL of https://www.example.net/
- expires in 4 days
- Synopsis
- Synopsis
@hitter help
- Options
- None
- Examples
@hitter help
- Show brief help
- Synopsis
About AWS Lambda
Dependent on memory capacity
- Maximum file size of the attachment
- Current setting is 2GB.
- Maximum memory capacity of 3GB.
- Files over the memory capacity will fail to be attached.
- Architectural changes are required to break through this limitation
- Consider using the Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS)
- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/services-efs.html
Dependent on execution time
- Current setting is 15 minutes.
- Maximum run time is 15 minutes.
- If there are many members participating in the slack channel, the run time may be exceeded
- If the attachment is large, the execution time may be exceeded.
About Amazon DynamoDB
Depends on the capacity unit
- Currently in On-Demand Mode
- Note that it is automatically expanded, but the price is proportional
Depends on TTL specification
- Item deletion is done through the TTL features.
- This could be longer than the specified period depending on the TTL specification
- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/howitworks-ttl.html
About AWS Resources
About the start of use
- Basically, we use AWS CDK to build it
- AWS CloudFormation is executed from CDK
- However, the zone to be used as a domain must be created in advance
- The zone name and zone ID will be required during the build process.
About deletion
- Basically, the deletion is done by AWS CDK
- AWS CloudFormation is executed from CDK
- Zones for pre-created domains will not be deleted
- Logs output to CloudWatch Logs will not be deleted
- S3 cannot be deleted unless the bucket is empty, so it will not be deleted
- All other resources will be deleted automatically.
- If you need it, please make a backup in advance
- To remove it completely, you will need to remove the above resources manually
- Amazon S3
- Amazon API Gateway
- AWS Lambda
- Amazon Route 53
- AWS Certificate Manager
- Amazon DynamoDB
- Amazon CloudWatch Logs
- AWS CloudFormation
- AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Get the sources yourself and do the build and deployment.
$ git clone github.com/uchimanajet7/hitter
$ cd ./hitter/hitter/lambda
$ go get -v -t -d ./...
$ GOOS=linux go build -o main
$ cd ./hitter/hitter/lambda_api
$ go get -v -t -d ./...
$ GOOS=linux go build -o main
$ cd ./hitter/hitter
$ source .env/bin/activate
$ cdk synth
$ cdk deploy
You need to install the tools and set the environment variables in advance.
$ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-northeast-1
$ export AWS_DEFAULT_OUTPUT=json
$ export HITTER_ZONE_NAME=example.com
If you don't have the time to set up the tools, you can use the Remote - Containers extension and Docker in Visual Studio Code to help you.
- Visual Studio Code
- Visual Studio Code Remote - Containers
- Developing inside a Container
- Docker
- Create a Slack Bot for random selection using AWS CDK #aws #slack #cdk