FastAppLibrary is a set of ready-to-use SwiftUI components for rapid iOS application development. The package includes pre-made screens, UI elements, and various extensions in an Apple-like design, supporting different screen sizes, dark and light themes.
Install the package with SPM:
.package(url: "", branch: "main")
To work with the library, perform the following setup:
import FastAppLibrary
func application(didFinishLaunchingWithOptions) {
let settings = FastAppSettings(
appName: "APP NAME",
companyName: "TEST COMPANY",
companyEmail: "",
revenueCatAPI: "appl_wudhAj...MlggW",
paywallBenefits: [
.init(systemIcon: "",
title: "Exclusive!",
subtitle: "Access to exclusive workouts")
onboardingItems: [
.init(image: "img", title: "Welcome", subTitle: "Discover new features")
Add the modifier .fastAppDefaultWrapper() to your root screen. This is necessary for the correct display of screens and alerts:
struct NoAlgoApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
To ensure proper functionality, configure your app's subscriptions in App Store Connect and link them with RevenueCat. Then, create Offers in RevenueCat. There can be any number of subscriptions, including introductory offers like trials.
Make sure you have filled out the paywallBenefits in the initial settings.
Privacy and Terms documents are generated on the fly, no need to add anything extra. The data is taken from the settings you made at the app's start. No additional settings are required; the viewer buttons and the viewer itself work out of the box.
To call the paywall:
This will work anywhere. It can be called from a View or ViewModel, for example.
To track user subscriptions, use the @Published Bool variable:
FastApp handles updating this field, but if you need to update it additionally:
To find out the subscription expiration date:
The onboarding takes data from onboardingItems in the settings you made at the start of the app. It will automatically be shown on the first launch of the app, remember this, and will not be shown on subsequent launches.
The library includes various alerts. Example of calling an alert:
title: "Download",
displayMode: .alert,
type: .complete(.green),
sdubTitle: "success!"
Available types: complete, error, systemImage, image, loading, regular, and custom design.
The library includes customizable:
- Enhanced TextField with placeholder and animation.
FloatingTextField(text: $text, placehopder: "Enter name")
- Button styles with 11 built-in colors.
Button(action: {}, label: {
}).buttonStyle(LargeButtonStyle(color: .success))
- Badges.
Text("green").coloredBageStyle(color: .green)
- Horizontal gallery with any content and pagination.
HorizontalSnapGalleryView(data: $data, content: { currentData in
ZStack {
- Color extension with 36 adaptive colors for themes.
- Haptic extension for convenient use.
Haptic.impact(style: .heavy)
Haptic.notify(style: .success)
- Convenient logger based on OSLog to filter in the console, displaying time, class, method, and line of code where it worked. Supports many input parameters, and if there are structures or objects among them, a dump of the objects will be printed.
log(.Error, subscriptions.isSubscribed, "log test", ObjectDTO())
- 8 ready-made styles for Text() from title to footer.
Text("Headline text").headlineStyle()
Text("Subheadline text").subheadlineStyle()
- Video player with easy frame setting, looping, and without control buttons.ё
LoopPlayerView {
Settings {
.frame(height: 70)
.font(.system(size: 75, weight: .black, design: .default))