Team 7 is developing a game called Carronade.
Carronade is made on the Monogame 3.7.1 Framework, which is de .NET 4.6.1 framework, and is compiled via the Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 suite. Having the three systems installed will allow for the opening of the .sln file for compilation on Windows.
#Compile Instruction
The game is written in C# using framework software Monogame that runs on the .NET 4.6.1 framework, and is compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio.
1. You need to have Microsoft Visual Studio installed for this purpose.
2. First, clone the game directory from github (link provided below) to your local directory.
3. Open Microsoft Visual Studio, in your first screen choose open a project or solution.
4. Now look for Carronade(.sln) in the Carronade subdirectory inside the main directory you cloned from github.
5. Open that file and click on the start button located below the menu bar.
6. Game will compile and start running.