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Basic Usage

 An intml-file consists of definition of the form:
   letw f = working_class_term
   letw g = upper_class_terms
 See the files in directory Examples/ for syntax and format.
 A file containing such definitions can be type-checked using
   ./intml.native file.intml
 The intml-interpreter is then in interactive mode and can be 
 used to evaluate terms.

Interactive Mode

Working Class Terms

 Working class terms can be evaluated directly.

  # inl(<>)
  : 1 + 'a
  = inl(<>)

 They can be defined using letw.

  # letw pi1 = fun x -> let <x1,x2>=x in x1
  pi1 :w 'a * 'b -> 'a
  # pi1 <inl(<>),inr(<>)>
  : 1 + 'a
  = inl(<>)
Upper Class Terms

 Upper class terms can be defined using letu.

  # letu d = fun f -> fun x -> let [v]=x in f [v] [v]
  d :u (['a] --> ['a] --> ['b]) --> ['a] --o ['b]

 However, they cannot be evaluated directly, as can working 
 class terms.

 For the evaluation of upper class terms one has the following 

 * Terms f of type [A] can be evaluated using the working-class 
   construct let [x] = f in x.

    # let [x] = d (fun x -> fun y -> x) [inl(<>)] in x
    : 1 + 'a
    = inl(<>)
 * The toplevel gives access to the circuit corresponding to any
   working class term. This is available using the #circuit 

   The directive 
     #circuit (upper class term)
   displays the type of the circuit for the upper class term.
   The directive
     #circuit (upper class term) (working class term)
   feeds the given working class term to the circuit for the
   upper class term and computes the output from the circuit.


    # #circuit d
    : 'a * 1 * ('b * 1 + ('c * 1 + 'd)) + (1 * 'a + 1) -> 'a * 1 * ('b
    * 'a + ('c * 'a + 1)) + (1 * 1 + 'd)

    = functional value

   The circuit may thus be sent messages of type 
   'a * 1 * ('b * 1 + ('c * 1 + 'd)) + (1 * 'a + 1)
   and it may answer with messages of type
   'a * 1 * ('b  * 'a + ('c * 'a + 1)) + (1 * 1 + 'd)

   For example, the circuit for d answers the query inr(inr(<>)) 
   with inr(inl(<<>, <>>)).

    # #circuit d inr(inr(<>))
    : 'a * 1 * ('b * 'a + ('c * 'a + 1)) + (1 * 1 + 'd)
    = inr(inl(<<>, <>>))
   In the #circuit directive it is also possible to use 
   complex upper class terms

    # #circuit (fun x->let <y,z> = x in let [v]=y in [<v,v>])
    : 1 * 1 * ('a + 'b) + 1 -> 1 * 1 * (1 + 'c) + 'a * 'a
    = functional value

 * Animations for circuit computation can be generated using
   the #sim directive. This generates a pdf file with an animation
   of circuit computation. It needs graphviz (dot) and pdftk.

   For example 
     # #sim d inr(inr(<>)) 

   generates a file circuit.sim.pdf in the current directory, which
   shows the first 10 steps of the computation of cirucit d with input

   The number of steps can be changed as follows:
    # #simlength 20


Experimental IntML-Implementation







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