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Automates updating OpenHIM machines in an interconnected network upon certificate renewal

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openhim-cert-updater is an NPM package that handles informing both local and remote OpenHIM installations about ssl certificate updates/renewals.


With Package Installation

The package utilizes NVM to ensure that the script will be run in the appropriate nodejs environment. NVM is installed under the user openhim_cert_updater and so commands running the script must be run as that user. E.g.:

  • run updater check: sudo su openhim_cert_updater bash -c 'sudo openhim-cert-updater'
  • config file help: sudo su openhim_cert_updater bash -c 'sudo openhim-cert-updater -c'

With Manual Installation

  • after installing the application manually with the instructions below, run sudo nodejs update_certificates.js



  • update_certificates.js
    • This file runs the required updates for all specified ohim-core machines.
    • This file utilizes javascript's promise feature for async handling as well as several custom layers of abstraction for communication with ohie-core applications
  • setup_config.js
    • This file enables CLI setup of the config/config.js file through command line prompts.
  • config/config.js
    • This file stores the configurable settings (remote machine addresses, login information, path to cert and key) required for the certificate update process
  • abstrations/*
    • These files contain abstraction interfaces relating to:
      • creating http/https requests with nodejs (request_handler.js)
      • creating authenticated requests to openhim (ohim_request_api)
      • manipulating openhim configurations through the openhim-core api (ohim_highlevel_interface)

packaged features

  • openhim-cert-updater
    • this shell script is installed under usr/bin/openhim-cert-updater and thus is callable from the commandline anywhere.
    • arguments
      • no arguments: run update_certificates.js
      • -l run update_certificates.js and log that it ran
      • -h <CMD> run update_certificates.js and execute the shell command <CMD> if the local certificate was updated
      • -l -h <CMD> : do both of the above
      • -c calls setup_config.js and enables generation of the config/config.js file
      • -c -m calls sudo nano $PATH_TO_CONFIG/config.js and enables user to manually modify the config file
    • for example:
      • sudo openhim-cert-updater -h 'touch ~/done.example' will create the file done.example in your home directory IF the local certificate was updated

Installation From PPA Package

  1. Install from PPA
    • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:uladkasach/dev && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install openhim-cert-updater
  2. Setup config.json
    • see below
  3. Test installation
    • openhim-cert-updater

Installation From Source Package

  1. Download .deb file
    • wget
  2. Install .deb file
    • sudo dpkg -i openhim-cert-updater_1.2.8~trusty_amd64.deb
  3. Install dependencies
    • sudo apt-get install -f
  4. Setup config.json
    • see below
  5. Test installation
    • openhim-cert-updater

Installation From Source Code

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Install
    • from NPM repository
      • npm install -U openhim-cert-updater
    • from sourcecode
      • navigate to root directory
      • npm install
  3. Setup config.json
    • See below
  4. Test it out
    • sudo nodejs update_certificates.js

Setup Config.json

  1. create a config/config.json file by copying the config/config.example.json file
    • openhim-cert-updater -c -r
  2. edit the config/config.json to reflect your configuration
    • the file can be opened in nano with openhim-cert-updater -c -r
    • define the host:port of each OpenHIM installation (local and remote) that need to be updated
      • local is required
      • remote is optional
    • define the email and password for each machine (required), identified by host:port, in the config.users object.
      • e.g., "localhost:8080" : { "email" : "", "password" : "openhim-password" }
    • define which clients need to be updated to use the new certificate on each machine
      • e.g., "remote_host:8080" : ["client_id"]
    • define the paths.cert and paths.key paths to the most up to date cert and key for this machine's OpenHIM installation
      • on a machine w/ certs created by letsencrypt/certbot
        • cert : /etc/letsencrypt/live/<your_domain>/fullchain.pem
        • key : /etc/letsencrypt/live/<your_domain>/privkey.pem
      • on a machine w/ certs created by sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/ohim-selfsigned.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/ohim-selfsigned.crt
        • cert : /etc/ssl/certs/ohim-selfsigned.crt
        • key : /etc/ssl/private/ohim-selfsigned.key


The script update_certificates.js does several things: 0. Checks whether the cert and key found at config.paths is different than the one recorded in the local OpenHIM installation - if they are the same, then the script terminates because there is no update that is requried.

  1. Updates the local OpenHIM installation with the most up to date cert and key available.
    • Replaces the cert and key of the local OpenHIM installation with the cert and key found at the specified config.paths.
  2. "Informs" the remote OpenHIM installations about the most up to date cert for this local machine
    • Adds the new cert to the trusted ca certs of all config.machines.remote machines.
  3. Cleans up the trusted ca certs list of each config.machines.remote machine.
    • Removes the old_cert from the trusted ca certs list of each config.machines.remote machine.

The package includes an openhim-request-api which handles creating properly authenticated requests and an openhim-toplevel-interface that creates an easy to use layer of abstraction, implementing the various API calls availible per the openhim RESTful api.


Automates updating OpenHIM machines in an interconnected network upon certificate renewal







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