java-rawsocket project is a helper aims for creating TCP Half Open Connection or Embryonic Connection wrote in Java.
There are two implementations available. The first one is based on the JNI (Java Native Interface) and the second one is based on the Foreign Function.
ℹ️ The used C code wasn't written by me, but it's plan I shall rewrite it from scratch.
ℹ️ You find out the full article aboute this code on
Requirement : you have to install the Java 22 SDK at minimum to build and execute the socket-tester with the Foreign Function feature.
Afterward, go to the foreign-function folder and execute the following command in your terminal:
❯ mvn clean package
Start a Web server to simulate the endpoint. As example:
❯ python3 -m http.server
Display the options:
❯ sudo ~/.sdkman/candidates/java/22.0.1-oracle/bin/java \
--enable-preview \
--enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED \
-jar ./target/foreign-function-jar-with-dependencies.jar --help
Start the test:
❯ sudo ~/.sdkman/candidates/java/22.0.1-oracle/bin/java \
--enable-preview \
--enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED \
Out example:
❯ sudo ~/.sdkman/candidates/java/22.0.1-oracle/bin/java \
--enable-preview \
--enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED \
-jar ./target/foreign-function-jar-with-dependencies.jar
19:20:47.774 [main] INFO -- Running SocketTester for destination address
[INFO (native)] Selected source port number: 35940
[INFO (native)] TCP header sequence number: 272214228
[INFO (native)] Successfully sent 60 bytes SYN!
[INFO (native)] Received bytes: 40
[INFO (native)] Destination port: 35940
[INFO (native)] Successfully received 40 bytes
[INFO (native)] Received syn: 0, ack: 1, rst: 1
[INFO (native)] TCP header sequence number response: 0
[INFO (native)] TCP header ack sequence number response: 272214229
[INFO (native)] tcph->syn: 0
[INFO (native)] tcph->ack: 16777216
[INFO (native)] SYN ACK received -> Success
Go to the jni folder and execute the following command in your terminal:
❯ mvn clean compile jar:jar
The jar file contains the class and the compiled library.
During the Maven build, the POM handles several plugins for executing the following actions:
- Compile the SocketTester class
- Generate the header file based necessary for JNI (com_reservoircode_net_SocketTester.h)
- Run the GCC compiler to create the native library (
- Package the class and library in JAR file
Start a Web server to simulate the endpoint. As example:
❯ python3 -m http.server
Start the test:
❯ sudo java -jar ./target/java-rawsocket-jni.jar
The default values used in the SocketTester are:
- Source IP:
- Destination IP:
- Destination PORT: 8000
- Read timeout (ms): 100
- Write timeout (ms): 100
Out example:
❯ sudo java -jar ./target/java-rawsocket.jar
[INFO (J)] Testing
[INFO (C)] Starting connection with following parameters. Source IP:, destination IP:, destination port: 8000, read timeout: 100, write timeout: 100
[INFO (C)] Selected source port number: 57916
[INFO (C)] Successfully sent 60 bytes SYN!
[INFO (C)] Received bytes: 48
[INFO (C)] Destination port: 57916
[INFO (C)] Successfully received 48 bytes
[INFO (C)] Received: syn= 1, ack= 1, rst= 0
[INFO (C)] SYN ACK received -> Success
[INFO (J)] Connection successful
On the output console you can see Java ([INFO (J)]) and C logs ([INFO (C)]).
If you encounter some trouble during the test related to privilege issues, we have to execute the following command:
❯ cd target
❯ unzip java-rawsocket.jar
❯ sudo setcap cap_net_raw+ep