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Android Recordings

Rory Clark edited this page Jul 10, 2023 · 1 revision

ℹ Please note that the following information has only been tested on a singular Android based VR headset and may not apply to all devices.

PlayRecorder does work on Android, however the locations of recordings will be different to that of a desktop computer.

All recordings will be stored to the internal storage of your device, local to it's application directory. Finding it could be as described below.

For example.

  • Your app package is called com.myapp.recorder
  • This would be have a folder located at Android/Data/com.myapp.recorder
  • Inside of this would be a files folder. (Android/Data/com.myapp.recorder/files)
  • Which would then have a folder with the folder name you set in the RecordingManager
    • Recordings by default (Android/Data/com.myapp.recorder/files/Recordings)

Once you have your recording files, you just need to copy them back to the desktop version of Unity to play them.