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Recording Manager

Rory Clark edited this page May 12, 2021 · 6 revisions

The Recording Manager is the core point at which all recordings start from. It is one of the lightest part of the system, with very few controls (by design). You will use this tool to (mostly) just start and stop your recordings.

As with other editor interfaces, hover over the different fields to see more information about them.

All recording logic is performed within a custom thread, which can make it more challenging to use many Unity functions. To alleviate this, you need to store your changes within a cache (as an example, see the TransformCache within TransformRecordComponent) during RecordUpdateLogic method, and then copy the cache into a frame when the RecordTickLogic method occurs. There is technically nothing to stop you from introducing frames during the RecordUpdateLogic method, however it is highly ill advised as the recorded current tick cannot be assured.

The Recording Manager

Recording can be paused and resumed through code by using the PauseRecording and subsequent ResumeRecording methods. This allows you to stop recording frame updates temporarily. This can be useful for when a participant is required to answer questions for a survey, but you do not want to record all of the interaction logic. You can stop the recording of a paused recording without issue.