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Statistic Window

Rory Clark edited this page May 7, 2021 · 2 revisions

The Statistic Window shows Statistics from recorded files, without having to play through the files. It lets you individually review files, or look through all files together. Due to the nature of how statistics are recorded (being tied to a recording tick), you can view statistics over time, as well as pinpointing specific values.

To access the Statistic Window go to Tools -> PlayRecorder -> Statistics.

Simple visualisations of the values over time are provided and are entirely mouse interactable. Changing to different values updates the Current Value, with the Final Value always being present.

The statistic window

CSV Exporting

You can very quickly export either the current or final values into a CSV file. The exporter will allow you to customise a few settings, as well as providing an example of the CSV with the header and a row.

Pressing Export CSV will then open a save file dialog.

Statistic CSV exporting