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Getting Started

Rory Clark edited this page Jul 10, 2023 · 15 revisions

As a general rule of thumb, PlayRecorder has a lot of information stored within tooltips in Unity. If you're requiring more information about a field, try hovering over it within the Unity Editor and you should see a more detailed explanation.

Once you've completed the above stages you're ready to start 🔴 recording and ▶ playing.

Github/Source Odin Serializer Installation

If you download OdinSerializer from Github, it will not include the Assembly Definition file needed for modern Unity package usage. These steps show you what you need to do.

  • Download the OdinSerialzier repo and navigate to the OdinSerializer folder.
  • Copy the OdinSerializer folder to your Unity project Assets folder.
    • This can be within any folder you like.
  • Create a new Assembly Definition file in the OdinSerializer folder.
    • Right click within your assets
    • Create -> Assembly Definition
  • Name it OdinSerializer, and check the Allow unsafe Code option, then press Apply.
  • Once you do so Unity will compile as normal.