This is a web ring for UMass Amherst students, alumni, and faculty. It is a collection of personal websites, blogs, and other web pages.
- Add your website to the members.toml and submit a pull request.
- Once accepted make sure to add the webring to your website in some way.
Add the following script to your website:
<script id="umaring_js" src=""></script>
<div id="umaring"></div>
with your id from the members.toml file.
Make sure to keep in the id="umaring_js"
part of the script tag.
Please integrate with the following API:
This will return a JSON object with the following format:
"prev": {
"name":"User A",
"member": {
"name":"User b",
"next": {
"name":"User C",
If values are being cached on a backend please pull the latest version of the webring at least once every hour, but preferably once every five minutes. This will ensure that the webring is up to date. If this request is being done of the clients you can just do the GET every page load, optionally caching in user local storage.
If you want to add a button to your website, you can use the following image:
You should turn off anti-aliasing for the image to make it look better.
img {
image-rendering: auto;
image-rendering: crisp-edges;
image-rendering: pixelated;
image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast;