simple c-shell NAME : kushal Kumar Jain ROLL-NO. : 2019111001
How to run
- run make on command line
- start shell with ./a.out
- header.h : Contains all the header file , variable , function declarations.
- main.c : Contains the main loop and some array declarations and making of history file.
- echo.c : Print given input on the console.
- execute.c : Finds which command is to be executed and calls the appropriate function.
- command.c : takes input, converts input into command and its corresponding arguements.
- forking.c : executes commmands that are not defined in execute.c , sends & commands to background.
- ls.c : Prints details of files in provided dirctory with various flags.
- pinfo.c : Prints process id , memory , status and executable path.
- makefile : Compiles all the .c files to give an executable file.
- history.c : Stores all the typed commands in a file named history in the same directory as the a.out file. It also prints 10 of the last of them on request.