pyrgbd provides useful RGB-D processing snipets which are not directly covered by major libraries like OpenCV or Open3D.
- Project (3D -> 2D) / Unproject (2D with depth -> 3D)
- Depth image to point cloud
- Point cloud I/O
- Undistortion for depth image
causes artifacts for invalid (0) and boundary since it uses bilinear interpolation- Our implementation is artifact-free by using Nearest Neighbor like approach.
- However, small lines or holes may occur
Original | After undistortion |
- RGB-D image coordinate mapping
- By using intrinsics and extrinsics, convert RGB image onto depth image coordinate
RGB | Depth | RGB mapped on Depth |
Depth image to point cloud
python example/
Undistortion for depth image, RGB-D image coordinate mapping and multi-view integration
python example/
- This example partially depends on Open3D 0.9.0
- numpy
- cv2