Saving and restoring xinput devices properties utility.
Find the ID of your device in the list:
$ xinput list
Save properties of your device
(replace %ID% to ID number of your device from xinput list
$ xinput-restore --save %ID%
It will save properties of your device to file
with name as device name to ~/.xinput-saved-props/
You can specify custom file name:
$ xinput-restore --save %ID% red-mouse
You can change some properties in ~/.xinput-saved-props/
Restore properties for specific device by file name:
$ xinput-restore --restore red-mouse
Or by device product id:
$ xinput-restore --restore '1452, 781'
Restore properties by all saved properties files:
$ xinput-restore
Also you can redefine saved properties files directory:
$ env XINPUT_RESTORE_PROPS_DIR="$HOME/.custom-saved-xinput-props-dir" xinput-restore