This is fun project to create small birdhouse, attached with motion sensor and cam. When there is motion detected, the cam shoots a picture and transmits it via telegram.
When there is continuous movement, pictures are taken every few seconds (depends on the hardware) until there is no further movement within 10s. After that, the images are converted via imagemagick to an animated gif and transmitted once to every subscriber.
Following chat commands are available:
- /sub - Subscribe to updates
- /unsub - Unsubscribe from updates
- /pause - Pause motion tracking
- /unpause - Unpause motion tracking
- /pic - Take a picture
- /stat - Show status
- /rest - Restart
- /die - Shutdown
- 1x Raspberry Pi Zero W
- 1x HC SR501 Pir motion sensor
- 1x Pi cam
- 1x Cam cable for Pi Zero
- A bit of wiring, tin, psu and filament
Nothing special, model can be printed on the back in one go.
And an example animation: