Docker image of Linux alpine which includes the following packages
alpine 3.14
awscli 2.2.0
bash 5.1
curl 7.79
docker 20.10
git 2.32
jq 1.6
openssh 8.6
zip 3.0
awscli 2.4.13
openssl 1.1.1
docker_file_path /opt/alpineci_version
- tar
- unzip
- wget
- Listing all built-in packages
docker run --entrypoint busybox --rm alpine:3.12 --list
Run the latest release
docker run --rm -it unfor19/alpine-ci
Run a specific release
RELEASE_TAG="master-f92a0197" docker run "unfor19/alpine-ci:${RELEASE_TAG}"
Use as a base image in a Dockerfile
FROM unfor19/alpine-ci:${ALPINECI_TAG} as base
# Do your "build" stuff ...
WORKDIR /code/
RUN curl -s | jq -r .fact > fact.txt
# Use Docker multi-stage
FROM ubuntu:20.04 as app
COPY --from=base /code/* /app/
CMD find -type f -name *.txt -exec cat {} \;
Build your image
ALPINECI_TAG="latest" DOCKERFILE_PATH="Dockerfile.example" IMAGE_NAME="catfact" docker build --build-arg ALPINECI_TAG="$ALPINECI_TAG" -f "$DOCKERFILE_PATH" -t "$IMAGE_NAME" .
Run a container of your image
IMAGE_NAME="catfact" docker run --rm "$IMAGE_NAME" # Random output: # Many cats cannot properly digest cow's milk. Milk and milk products give them diarrhea.
Choosing alpine is awesome, but in some scenarios it just won't cut it. Here are some popular use-cases that might help you with choosing the right linux distribution.
- Building a Python app - some Python packages require glibc and trying to compile them with alpine's musl won't do it. For simple Python apps it's ok, but if it breaks after you add some package, then switching to
might be better for you - AWS CLI v1 - requires Python
- AWS CLI v2 - requires
Created and maintained by Meir Gabay