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This module assumes following resources are already available:

  1. VPC
  2. Public Subnet
  3. Private Subnet
  4. Route table, Route, Route Table Association for public subnet
  5. Internet gateway for public subnet
  6. Registered Domain Name
  7. Route53 Hosted Zone
  8. Certificate for Registered Domain Name

and it creates following resources:

  1. Nexus Instance
  2. ALB for Nexus and Docker registry
  3. IAM user for Nexus Blob stores
  4. KMS Key for EBS encryption
  5. Route53 entry for Nexus and Docker Registry
  6. S3 Buckets for Nexus Blob stores
  7. Security Groups
  8. Bastion Host


  1. Initial nexus admin password is stored in docker-container/nexus-data/admin.password, you will have to exec into docker container in AWS instance. Steps:
    • Store your SSH key in system's SSH-key store (ssh-add -K keyname).
    • SSH into nexus ec2 instance using bastion host (ssh -A -t centos@{public-ip-bastion ssh centos@private-ip-nexus).
    • Exec into running docker container (docker exec -it nexus sh).
    • Fetch admin password (cat /nexus-data/admin.password).
    • You can then use this password to login to your Nexus UI and reset password.
  2. This module creates S3 buckets for Maven, NPM and Docker registries which can be registered as blob stores in nexus instance.


module "nexus" {
      source                            = "../module/"
      vpc_id                            = var.vpc_id
      namespace                         = "eg"
      name                              = "app"
      stage                             = "test"
      attributes                        = ["xyz"]
      private_subnet_id1                = var.private_subnet_id1
      private_subnet_id2                = var.private_subnet_id2
      public_subnet_id1                 = var.public_subnet_id1
      public_subnet_id2                 = var.public_subnet_id2
      dns_name                          = var.dns_name
      registry_domain_name              = var.registry_domain_name
      docker_domain_name                = var.docker_domain_name
      zone_id                           = var.zone_id
      ssh_key_name                      = var.ssh_key_name
      nexus_application_ami             = var.nexus_ami
      nexus_kms_alias                   = var.nexus_kms_alias
      nexus_npm_registry_s3_bucket      = var.nexus_npm_registry_s3_bucket
      nexus_npm_private_s3_bucket       = var.nexus_npm_private_s3_bucket
      nexus_npm_group_s3_bucket         = var.nexus_npm_group_s3_bucket
      nexus_maven_snapshots_s3_bucket   = var.nexus_maven_snapshots_s3_bucket
      nexus_maven_releases_s3_bucket    = var.nexus_maven_releases_s3_bucket
      nexus_maven_group_s3_bucket       = var.nexus_maven_group_s3_bucket
      nexus_maven_central_s3_bucket     = var.nexus_maven_central_s3_bucket
      nexus_docker_private_s3_bucket    = var.nexus_docker_private_s3_bucket
      nexus_docker_hub_s3_bucket_name   = var.nexus_docker_hub_s3_bucket_name
      nexus_docker_group_s3_bucket      = var.nexus_docker_group_s3_bucket


Input Description Type Default Required
namespace Namespace, which could be your organization name or abbreviation" string "" yes
stage Stage, e.g. 'prod', 'staging', 'dev' string "" yes
name Solution name, e.g. 'app' or 'jenkins' string "" yes
attributes Additional attributes list <list> no
delimiter Delimiter to be used between namespace, environment, stage, name and attributes string "-" no
force_destroy_s3_bucket Boolean that indicates all objects should be deleted from the bucket so that the bucket can be destroyed without error. bool false no
domain_name ALB record53 entry domain name string "" yes
public_subnet_id1 Public subnet ID to attach string "" yes
public_subnet_id2 Public subnet ID to attach string "" yes
private_subnet_id1 Private subnet ID to attach string "" yes
private_subnet_id2 Private subnet ID to attach string "" yes
vpc_id Id of the VPC Gitlab will be provisioned in string "" yes
nexus_data_disk_size Size of nexus data disk to provision number 10 no
nexus_data_device_name Name of nexus data disk string /dev/xvdi no
nexus_data_directory Location of nexus data disk string /nexus/data no
nexus_alb_ideal_timeout Time in seconds that the connection is allowed to be idle. number 60 no
nexus_application_ami AMI of nexus application to be used with Nexus instance. string "" yes
zone_id ID of the hosted zone to contain Route53 record. string "" yes
nexus_kms_alias Display name of KMS Key alias. Name must start with the word alias followed by a forward slash string "" yes
enable_key_rotation Specifies whether key rotation is enabled bool true no
ssh_key_name SSH key for ec2 ssh string "" yes
nexus_npm_registry_s3_bucket Name of Nexus NPM Registry S3 bucket string "" yes
nexus_npm_private_s3_bucket Name of Nexus NPM Private S3 bucket string "" yes
nexus_npm_group_s3_bucket Name of Nexus NPM Group S3 bucket string "" yes
nexus_maven_snapshots_s3_bucket Name of Nexus Maven Snapshots S3 bucket string "" yes
nexus_maven_releases_s3_bucket Name of Nexus Maven Releases S3 bucket string "" yes
nexus_maven_group_s3_bucket Name of Nexus Maven Group S3 bucket string "" yes
nexus_maven_central_s3_bucket Name of Nexus Maven Central S3 bucket string "" yes
nexus_docker_private_s3_bucket Name of Nexus Docker Private S3 bucket string "" yes
nexus_docker_hub_s3_bucket Name of Nexus Docker Hub S3 bucket string "" yes
nexus_docker_group_s3_bucket Name of Nexus Docker Group S3 bucket string "" yes


Name Description
nexus_s3_secret_key Nexus S3 IAM User secret key
nexus_s3_access_key Nexus S3 IAM User access key
user_arn Nexus S3 IAM User ARN
sg_nexus_internal_ssh_name Security Group name for nexus internal SSH
sg_nexus_internal_ssh_ingress Security Group ingress Rules nexus internal SSH
sg_nexus_external_ssh_name Security Group name for nexus bastion
sg_nexus_external_ssh_ingress Security Group ingress rules for nexus bastion
sg_nexus_alb_name Security Group name for nexus ALB
sg_nexus _alb_ingress Security Group ingress rules nexus ALB
sg_internal_nexus_name Security Group name for nexus instance
sg_internal_nexus_ingress Security Group ingress rules nexus instance
nexus_acm_cert_arn Nexus ACM Certificate ARN
nexus_route53_cert_validation Nexus ALB Route53 FQDN
nexus_route53_nexus_alb Route53 FQDN for Nexus instance
nexus_bastion_public_eip EIP Address of Nexus Bastion Instance
nexus_private_ip Private IP Address of Gitlab Instance
nexus_npm_registry_s3_bucket_name Name of Nexus NPM Registry S3 bucket
nexus_npm_private_s3_bucket_name Name of Nexus NPM Private S3 bucket
nexus_npm_group_s3_bucket_name Name of Nexus NPM Group S3 bucket
nexus_maven_snapshots_s3_bucket_name Name of Nexus Maven Snapshots S3 bucke
nexus_maven_releases_s3_bucket_name Name of Nexus Maven Releases S3 bucket
nexus_maven_group_s3_bucket_name Name of Nexus Maven Group S3 bucket
nexus_maven_central_s3_bucket_name Name of Nexus Maven Central S3 bucket
nexus_docker_hub_s3_bucket_name_name Name of Nexus Docker Hub S3 bucket
nexus_docker_group_s3_bucket_name Name of Nexus Docker Group S3 bucket
nexus_docker_private_s3_bucket_name Name of Nexus Docker Private S3 bucket