Encode an image to sound (WAV file) and view it as a spectrogram in audio player.
python3 pic2wav.py picture.png -d8 -r200
Source picture:
Spectrogram of created WAV file:
pic2wav.py [[-p] <picture>] [-w <output.wav>] [-d <seconds>] [-r <resolution>] [-e] [-i]
-p - input picture file name (PNG, JPEG, etc.) (default is 'picture.png')
-w - output WAV file name (default is 'input picture file' + '.wav')
-d - output sound file duration in seconds (float) (default is 2)
-r - spectrogram resolution (height) in pixels; affects work time (default is 256)
-e - equalize image (enhances contrast)
-i - invert image colors
The code is optimized for pefromance in Python 3 with math and Pillow (PIL) libraries.
I recommend running it under PyPy -- this gives about 30% speedup.
- Based on alexadam's img-encode (MIT license)