Bitjoe uses Bitkeeper to save business transactions.
- Bitcoin blockchain is a precious resources and we can only put a hash of the transaction in it.
- The body of the transaction bitjoe sends to bitkeeper for keeping.
In this incarnation bitkeeper uses Kademlia DHT (distributed hash table) implementation by Kademlia is a state of the art DHT used by practically all mainstream p2p programs, like bittorrent.
Bitkeeper provides RESTful service with 2 parameters: key and val if both are specified, value is saved for a key provided, e.g.
If only the key is specified, then the value is returned to the output stream: e.g.
If you want to play with the source code:
- Clone this repo using: git clone
- Copy the conf directory into the build directory
- Run "java -jar bitkeeper.jar path-to-config.json" from the build directory
If you don't want to play with the source code:
- Run
- Run "java -jar bitkeeper.jar path-to-config.json" from the bitkeeper directory
Then run a second bitkeeper with reverse DHT ports and a different http port, e.g. with this config.json:
"address" : {
"host": "",
"httpPort": 8009,
"dhtPort": 7001
"storageDir": "fileStorage",
"dhtPeerAddresses" : [
"dhtHost": "",
"dhtPort": 7000
Now you can send save value on one bitkeeper server and pick it up on another bitkeeper server, e.g.:
Learn about Bitkeeper architecture in Tradle wiki