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Smart.Navigation .NET - navigation library for .NET


What is this ?

  • Navigation by control switching.
  • Navigationg to view by id.
  • Multiplatform support.
  • MVVM support with WPF and Xamarin.Forms provider.
  • Parameter support between target.
  • Stacked navigation support.
  • Lifecycle event support.
  • Cancel event support.
  • Plugin support.
  • Library integration support.

Usage example

// Config Navigator
navigator = new NavigatorConfig()
    .UseIdViewMapper(m => m.AutoRegister(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().ExportedTypes))

// Navigate to view


Package Note
NuGet Core libyrary
NuGet Smart.Resolver integration
NuGet MAUI provider
NuGet WPF provider
NuGet Windows Forms provider

Supported platform

Windows Forms

Control is a container and Control is a view.

navigator = new NavigatorConfig()


ContentControl is a container and Control is a view.

navigator = new NavigatorConfig()
        <navigation:NavigationContainerBehavior Navigator="{Binding Navigator}"/>


ContentView is a container and View is a view.

navigator = new NavigatorConfig()
        <navigation:NavigationContainerBehavior Navigator="{Binding Navigator}" />

Create custom platform support

Implement the following interface.

public interface INavigationProvider
    // Resolve target(DataContext/BindingContext) from view
    object ResolveTarget(object view);

    // Add view to container
    void OpenView(object view);

    // Remove view from container and dispose
    void CloseView(object view);

    // Restore view from stack
    void ActiveView(object view, object parameter);

    // Deactive view
    object DeactiveView(object view);

View mapper

Id to Type dictionary mapping

// Configuration method
NavigatorConfig UseIdViewMapper(Action<IIdViewRegister> action);

// Register interface
public interface IIdViewRegister
    void Register(object id, Type type);

// Auto register extension
void AutoRegister(IEnumerable<Type> types);
// Usage
public enum ViewId

public sealed class ViewList

public sealed class ViewDetail

// config
var navigator = new NavigatorConfig()
    .UseIdViewMapper(m => m.AutoRegister(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().ExportedTypes))

// navigation

Direct type mapping (default)

// Configuration method
NavigatorConfig UseDirectViewMapper();
// config
var navigator = new NavigatorConfig()

// navigation

Path mapping

// Configuration method
NavigatorConfig UsePathViewMapper(Action<PathViewMapperOptions> action)
// Usage
namespace Example.Views
    public sealed class ParentView

namespace Example.Views.Children
    public sealed class Child1View

    public sealed class Child2View

// config
var navigator = new NavigatorConfig()
    .UsePathViewMapper(option =>
        option.Root = "Example.Views";
        option.Suffix = "View";

// navigation



Non stacked navigation.

bool Forward(object id);

bool Forward(object id, INavigationParameter parameter);

Task<bool> ForwardAsync(object id);

Task<bool> ForwardAsync(object id, INavigationParameter parameter);


Stacked navigation.

bool Push(object id);

bool Push(object id, INavigationParameter parameter);

Task<bool> PushAsync(object id);

Task<bool> PushAsync(object id, INavigationParameter parameter);


Pop stack navigation.

bool Pop();

bool Pop(INavigationParameter parameter);

bool Pop(int level);

bool Pop(int level, INavigationParameter parameter);

Task<bool> PopAsync();

Task<bool> PopAsync(INavigationParameter parameter);

Task<bool> PopAsync(int level);

Task<bool> PopAsync(int level, INavigationParameter parameter);


Pop with Forward navigation.

bool PopAndForward(object id);

bool PopAndForward(object id, int level);

bool PopAllAndForward(object id);

bool PopAndForward(object id, INavigationParameter parameter);

bool PopAndForward(object id, int level, INavigationParameter parameter);

bool PopAllAndForward(object id, INavigationParameter parameter);

Task<bool> PopAndForwardAsync(object id);

Task<bool> PopAndForwardAsync(object id, int level);

Task<bool> PopAllAndForwardAsync(object id);

Task<bool> PopAndForwardAsync(object id, INavigationParameter parameter);

Task<bool> PopAndForwardAsync(object id, int level, INavigationParameter parameter);

Task<bool> PopAllAndForwardAsync(object id, INavigationParameter parameter);

Create custom navigation

Implement the following interface to create custom navigation.

public interface INavigationStrategy
    // Initialize
    StragtegyResult Initialize(INavigationController controller);

    // Resolve next view
    object ResolveToView(INavigationController controller);

    // Stack update
    void UpdateStack(INavigationController controller, object toView);

Navigator property

public interface INavigator
    // Stack count
    int StackedCount { get; }

    // Current view id
    object CurrentViewId { get; }

    // Current view instance
    object CurrentView { get; }

    // Current target(DataContext/BindingContext or view itself) instance
    object CurrentTarget { get; }

    // Navigating status
    bool Executing { get; }



public interface INavigationEventSupport
    // From page event berfore stack changed
    void OnNavigatingFrom(INavigationContext context);

    // To page event berfore stack changed
    void OnNavigatingTo(INavigationContext context);

    // To page event after stack changed
    void OnNavigatedTo(INavigationContext context);

INavigationContext has navigation information.

public interface INavigationContext
    object FromId { get; }

    object ToId { get; }

    NavigationAttributes Attribute { get; }

    INavigationParameter Parameter { get; }

INavigationParameter is navigation parameteter store.

public interface INavigationParameter
    T GetValue<T>(string key);

    T GetValue<T>();

    T GetValueOrDefault<T>(string key);

    T GetValueOrDefault<T>();

    T GetValueOr<T>(string key, T defaultValue);

    T GetValueOr<T>(T defaultValue);

NavigationAttributes has the following extension methods.

public static class NavigationAttributesExtensions
    public static bool IsStacked(this NavigationAttributes attributes);

    public static bool IsRestore(this NavigationAttributes attributes);

INavigator events

public interface INavigator
    // Cancel confirm event
    event EventHandler<ConfirmEventArgs> Confirm;

    // Navigating event before stack changed
    event EventHandler<NavigationEventArgs> Navigating;

    // Navigating event after stack changed
    event EventHandler<NavigationEventArgs> Navigated;

    // Navigator exit event
    event EventHandler<EventArgs> Exited;

    // Navigation executing changed event
    event EventHandler<EventArgs> ExecutingChanged;

ConfirmEventArgs is CancelEventArgs with INavigationContext.

public sealed class ConfirmEventArgs : CancelEventArgs
    public INavigationContext Context { get; }

NavigationEventArgs has INavigationContext and view instance information.

public sealed class NavigationEventArgs : EventArgs
    public INavigationContext Context { get; }

    public object FromView { get; }

    public object FromTarget { get; }

    public object ToView { get; }

    public object ToTarget { get; }

Supported interfaces


Cancel when false is returned.

public interface IConfirmRequest
    bool CanNavigate(INavigationContext context);
public interface IConfirmRequestAsync
    Task<bool> CanNavigateAsync(INavigationContext context);


Navigator external notification reception interface.

public interface INotifySupport
    void NavigatorNotify(object parameter);

public interface INotifySupport<in T>
    void NavigatorNotify(T parameter);

public interface INotifySupportAsync
    Task NavigatorNotifyAsync(object parameter);

public interface INotifySupportAsync<in T>
    Task NavigatorNotifyAsync(T parameter);

Notification method is as follows.

// Usage

// Usage(Async)
await navigator.NotyfyAsync(parameter);


Navigator is injected.

public interface INavigatorAware
    INavigator Navigator { get; set; }


Parameter plugin

Previous parameter is set next.

public sealed class View1
    public int IntParameter { get; set; }

public sealed class View2
    public int IntParameter { get; set; }

// Test

var view1 = (View1)navigator.CurrentView;
view1.IntParameter = 123;


var view2 = (View2)navigator.CurrentView;
Assert.Equal(123, view2.IntParameter);
  • Set to property with same name.
  • Even if the name of the property is different, it can be specified by attribute.
  • I/O direction can be limited by Directions.Import/Directions.Export.
  • When different types are converted by IConverter.

Scope plugin

Inject object that exist between scopes.

public sealed class ScopeData : IInitializable, IDisposable

public sealed class Data1View

public sealed class Data2View
    public ScopeData Data { get; set; }

public sealed class Data3View
    public ScopeData Data { get; set; }

// Test

navigator.Forward(typeof(Data2View)); // ScopeDate create and initialized
var view2 = (Data2View)navigator.CurrentView;

var view3 = (Data3View)navigator.CurrentView;

Assert.Equal(view3.Data, view2.Data);

navigator.Forward(typeof(Data1View)); // ScopeData disposed
  • Set to property with same name.
  • Even if the name of the property is different, it can be specified by attribute.
  • Supports IInitializable and IDisposable lifecycle events.

Create custom plugin

Implement the following interface and register to NavigatorConfig.

public interface IPlugin
    // Process when view created
    void OnCreate(IPluginContext context, object view, object target);

    // Process when view closed
    void OnClose(IPluginContext context, object view, object target);

    // Process before stack is changed
    void OnNavigatingFrom(IPluginContext context, object view, object target);

    // Process before stack is changed
    void OnNavigatingTo(IPluginContext context, object view, object target);

    // Process after stack is changed
    void OnNavigatedTo(IPluginContext context, object view, object target);

IPluginContext is data store for plugin.

public interface IPluginContext
    void Save<T>(Type type, T value);

    T Load<T>(Type type);

    T LoadOr<T>(Type type, T defaultValue);

    T LoadOr<T>(Type type, Func<T> defaultValueFactory);

Library integration


  • Interface is used for object creation.
  • Default implementation is Activator.CreateInstance().
  • Customizable by creating the following implementation.
public interface IActivator
    object Resolve(Type type);

Usa.Smart.Navigation.Resolver provides an implementation of IActivator using Usa.Smart.Resolver.

// Usage

// Config Resolver
var resolver = CreateResolver();

// Config Navigator
navigator = new NavigatorConfig()


  • Interface is used for type conversion.
  • Default implementation uses Smart.Converter.IObjectConverter.
  • Customizable by creating the following implementation.
public interface IConverter
    object Convert(object value, Type type);



  • Animation support required (・ω・)?