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NIST Fingerprint Registration Library


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The NFRL (NIST Fingerprint-Image Registration Library) builds and runs on Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

NFRL is written in C++ and built into a software library. This affords users to write their own using-application. This library is used by NFRaCT (, search nfract), a cross-platform GUI application that registers a pair of fingerprint images.

All computer-system requirements to build and store NFRL are fairly minimal and are easily satisfied by modern hardware and software tools. All software dependencies and tools used to compile source code and implement functionality are available at no cost (free).

Across all operating system platforms, C++ 11 is required to compile.

NFRL depends on the OpenCV library ( for image processing support; see section Dependencies below.


NFRL registers two fingerprint images based on two pairs of corresponding control-points. It uses these pairs of pixel locations within the images to translate and rotate the Moving image to the Fixed image.

Each image used in a registration process may be referred-to using multiple terms: moving or source, and, target, fixed, or sensed. For NFRL, the Fixed image remains fixed in 2-dimensional space and the Moving image is moved to align, that is to register, with the Fixed image.

Runtime configuration parameters include:

  • moving and fixed image data in 8-bits-per-pixel grayscale (preferable but not required)
  • two-pairs of corresponding control points (pixel coordinates).

The fingerprint-image rigid-registration process is performed in two steps:

  1. Translation of the Moving image to the Fixed image using the "first" pair of control-points (the constrained pair)
  2. Rotation of the Moving image around the Fixed image control-point (the translation "target" location) based on the angle-difference determined by the "second" pair of control-points (the un-constrained pair).

Both final images, a few interim images, and registration metadata generated during the registration process are made available to the using software:

  • Final registered Moving image
  • Final registered Fixed image
  • Registered, padded, overlaid image (colorized)
  • Registered, padded, Moving image (grayscale)
  • Padded, Fixed image (grayscale)
  • Summed, registered, dilated overlaid image (the "blob")
  • Process metadata available in both text and XML format.

The two Final images are registered. They are cropped to the region-of-interest that is the smallest area of "overlap" per the registration. Therefore, these two images have identical width and height which enables analysis using metrics like PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio); see also NFRaCT.

For the available images that are padded, the Fixed image is not translated or rotated. However, it is "registered" in the sense that the Moving image has been translated and rotated. This is why the 'Padded, Fixed image (grayscale)' (in the list of images above) is not referenced as "registered."

Source Image Check

If either or both of the source images are not 8-bit grayscale, NFRL will convert them and attempt the registration. Indication that an image has been converted (or not) is available as part of the registration metadata.

Image Padding

To ensure the final, registered, Moving image does not have any portion of the ridge structure cut off, both images are padded prior to the registration (process). Each image is padded with white pixels on all 4 sides.

The padding on the left and top MUST be the same for both images, and it follows that the right and bottom (values) fall where they may to ensure padded images are the same size.

The target (padded) image size is based on the sizes of the input images; this target WxH is then used to calculate the padding for both images resulting in two padded images that are the same size with the ridge structure centered.

Therefore, any ODD row or column are flushed-out at the right and bottom. Subsequently, the left and top padding (values) are used to back-out the padding for any/all registration calculations.

Rigid Registration

Registration is performed in two steps: translation and then rotation.


First, the translation matrix is calculated and is input into an algorithm that performs the translation of the padded Moving image to the padded Fixed image. The translated output image is the input image for rotation.

The pair of control-points used for translation (only) is denoted as "constrained" because these points have the same coordinates after translation. It follows that the Euclidean distance between them is zero.

This "new origin" after translation is the constrained control point of the Fixed image (the translation "target" location) plus the pixel location offsets (x,y) due to padding.


Second, the rotation matrix is calculated and is input into an algorithm that performs the rotation of the Moving image that has been translated.

The angle from the horizontal for each line-segment within each image is calculated. Note that each angle's value is the addative inverse of its stardard Cartesian counterpart because OpenCV specifies the top-left corner of an image as the origin.

The difference between these two angles is the degrees of rotation (-360, 360). If the angle difference is negative, the rotation is clockwise; if positive, rotation is counterclockwise.

The pair of control-points used for rotation (only) is denoted as "unconstrained" because these points are "dragged along" with the translation.

The padded, translated Moving image is rotated around the corresponding, constrained control-point of the padded Fixed image, that is, the point to which to Moving image has been translated. That is, the images are now registered.

The padded, registered images (grayscale, Fixed and Moving) and the overlapped image (colorized) are made available to the using-software for viewing to check for accuracy.

Final Registered Images

The images are now registered, but they must be cropped. The area to crop is the minimum area (ROI - region of interest) that is common to both images.

The Otsu method for threshold is used to binarize source images in support of crop-region calculation. Each registered image is binarized and the binary images are summed into a new image (array). This sum is done pixel-by-pixel; if both pixels are black (0), then set the pixel at the coordinates to 0. Otherwise set to white (255). The summed image is used to calculate the ROI crop area rectangle.

The final, cropped, registered images may be saved to disk (via function call).

If the area of overlap (that is the crop-region) does not meet a minimum width or height threshold, NFRL will throw an exception.

Registration Metadata

During the registration process, NFRL captures relevant data for further analysis, for example, translation and rotation matrices, padded image size, point-selection coordinates, rotation angle, resultant-registration control-points-pairs distances, and scale factor. This metadata is available through function calls to retrieve the metadata in plain-text and XML format. The XML "Russian doll" schema is located in the ./doc subdir.

Thrown Exceptions

Registrator Constructor

  • throw NFRL::Miscue( "moving img buffer is empty" );
  • throw NFRL::Miscue( "fixed img buffer is empty" );

performRegistration() Function Call

  • throw NFRL::Miscue( "Corresponding points count == {X}, should be 8" );
  • throw NFRL::Miscue( "Moving image control-points identical, cannot continue" );
  • throw NFRL::Miscue( "Fixed image control-points identical, cannot continue" );
  • throw NFRL::Miscue( "OpenCV cannot decode image:" );
  • throw NFRL::Miscue( "OpenCV cannot pad image:" );
  • throw NFRL::Miscue( "Padded images not same size" );
  • throw NFRL::Miscue( "OpenCV cannot colorize padded, fixed image:" );
  • throw NFRL::Miscue( "OpenCV cannot perform translation:" );
  • throw NFRL::Miscue( "OpenCV cannot perform rotation:" );
  • throw NFRL::Miscue( "OpenCV cannot colorize padded-translated-rotated image:" );
  • throw NFRL::Miscue( "OpenCV cannot merge overlaid images:" );
  • throw NFRL::Miscue( "OpenCV cannot crop or save final images:" );

saveCroppedRegisteredImageToDisk() Function Call

  • throw NFRL::Miscue( "OpenCV cannot save image: '{path}'" );

saveCroppedFixedImageToDisk() Function Call

  • throw NFRL::Miscue( "OpenCV cannot save image: '{path}'" );

OverlapRegisteredImages Constructor

  • throw NFRL::Miscue( "OverlapRegisteredImages, cannot calc image-crop ROI:" );
  • throw NFRL::Miscue( "Registered images overlap region is empty." );
  • throw NFRL::Miscue( "Registered images overlap region does not meet width threshold=" );
  • throw NFRL::Miscue( "Registered images overlap region does not meet height threshold=" );


NFRL was tested with OpenCV 3.4.11 and 4.5.0. It is recommended that the latest version of OpenCV be used.

OpenCV is used to support the NFRL algorithms. Before proceeding, ensure that you have the necessary packages installed.

All text in this README regarding system-environment and build-instructions are meant only as a guide. Development environments vary for many reasons, therefore, the instructions herein are in general and will probably require some modifications.

Local Libraries

Note that the supporting CMake files reflect the methods used to "install" OpenCV on Windows and Linux as "local" libraries:

  • Windows pre-built extracted to local file-system
  • Linux built from source.

Because libraries are local, the development environment specifics (via system ENV variables) must be specified for CMake (description below).

Windows Tools and OpenCV Installations

The "community" (no-cost) version of C++ desktop development tools and CMake ( will build NFRL.

Visual Studio

To install VS2019 toolset, first download and install the Visual Studio Installer app. VS2017 will work as well.

  1. Navigate to and select Community/Free Download
  2. Run the installation wizard.

Next, open the Visual Studio Installer, select:

  1. Visual Studio Community 2019
  2. Workload Desktop development with C++
  3. Visual C++ build tools including Windows 10 SDK, CMake, and Redistributable Update in the right-side frame.

Here is an example configuration that successfully builds NFRL:

  "version": "1.0",
  "components": [


An installer may be downloaded from Github; the latest version is acceptable.

OpenCV for Windows

Required packages may be found here: Download the self-extractor. For Windows, it is not necessary to build the development and runtime libraries.

Run it to extract the libraries to an appropriate dir, for example, D:\OpenCV\. Rename the root dir generated by the extraction to include the version number, for example, D:\OpenCV\opencv-4.5.0.

Since OpenCV versions 3.4 and 4.5 were tested, they were installed (extracted) side by side under the D:\OpenCV\ dir:

 Directory of D:\OpenCV

02/22/2022  02:00 AM    <DIR>          opencv-3.4.11
02/22/2022  02:00 AM    <DIR>          opencv-4.5.0

The .\build subdir contains:

  • \include - headers for compilation
  • \x64\vc15\lib libraries for linking the build
  • \x64\vc15\bin dlls for runtime.

Linux Installations


Since OpenCV versions 3.4 and 4.5 were tested, they were installed side by side under the /usr/home dir. By installing here instead of the default bins and libs dirs, more flexibility is enabled.

It is not required to install more than one version of OpenCV; nor is it required that OpenCV is installed under the user's home dir.

Unlike Windows, OpenCV can be built from source. For any Linux version, go to and click on the Sources link to download the OpenCV source code. The location of the downloaded archive, the extraction, and the subsequent build, should be a directory, for example, ~/Downloads/OpenCV, other than the one where the installation occurs.

However, instead of building OpenCV from source, for Ubuntu/Debian, it is possible to install the libopencv-dev package (OpenCV-4.2 as of September 2022) and build NFRL.

Extract for build

user@:~/Downloads/OpenCV$ unzip
user@:~/Downloads/OpenCV$ unzip

Installation destination

[Optional: cmake will setup install dirs] Create the destination installation folders for the builds (make install), for example:

user@:~$ mkdir -p libs/opencv-3.4.11/ libs/opencv-4.5.0/

Ubuntu and Debian

The instructions below are meant only as a guide; your process may vary, however, these steps have been shown to work for configurations specific to these environments.

Update and Upgrade

It is recommended to update the OS to ensure that the latest packages are installed. Running sudo apt-get update (or equivalent) ensures the list of packages from all repositories and PPAs (Personal Package Archive) is up to date. If you do not run this command, you could be installing older versions of various packages that could cause dependency issues. apt-get update does not actually install new versions of software: it updates the package lists for packages that need upgrading and adds new packages that are recent to the repositories. Running sudo apt-get upgrade installs the required packages to bring your system up to date.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade

Install GNU compilers:

$ sudo apt-get install gcc g++


Quick check the following and install or update if required:

$ git --version
git version 2.25.1

$ cmake --version
cmake version 3.16.3
CMake suite maintained and supported by Kitware (

$ pkg-config --version

Run the following and make changes accordingly if requirements are already met:

[required] sudo apt-get install pkg-config cmake git libgtk-3-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev

[optional] sudo apt-get install python-dev python-numpy libtbb2 libtbb-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev libdc1394-22-dev

Check version Ubuntu (example):

$ dpkg -s libgtk-3-dev | grep '^Version'
Version: 3.24.20-0ubuntu1

Check version Debian (example):

$ dpkg -s libgtk-3-dev | grep '^Version'
Version: 3.24.5-1

Build OpenCV: cmake, make and make install

In a terminal, change to the root dir of the extracted source, for example, ~/OpenCV/opencv-4.5.0. Next, create a build dir and change to it.

Note: to configure OpenCV to build the single, monolithic, "world" lib which includes all OpenCV modules for easy building (just like with the pre-built versions), add -DBUILD_opencv_world=ON to the cmake command.

Note: don't forget the .. (up one dir) at the end of the cmake command.

user@ build]$ make
user@ build]$ sudo make install


Since generation of pkg-config info was turned ON (per cmake command), update/create the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable:

$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/libs/opencv-4.5.0/lib/pkgconfig:~/libs/opencv-3.4.11/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH

Check pkg-config:

$ pkg-config --cflags opencv4
$ pkg-config --libs opencv4
-L/home/[user]/libs/opencv-4.5.0/lib -lopencv_dnn -lopencv_gapi -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_ml -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_photo -lopencv_stitching -lopencv_video -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_flann -lopencv_videoio -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_core

$ pkg-config --cflags opencv
$ pkg-config --libs opencv
-L/home/[user]/libs/opencv-3.4.11/lib -lopencv_dnn -lopencv_gapi -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_ml -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_photo -lopencv_stitching -lopencv_video -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_flann -lopencv_videoio -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_core

For convenience, add the PKG_CONFIG_PATH export-command to your ~.bashrc file.

Runtime libs PATH

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/libs/opencv-4.5.0/lib:~/libs/opencv-3.4.11/lib

For convenience, add the LD_LIBRARY_PATH export-command to your ~.bashrc file.

CentOS 7, 8


Quick check the following and install or update if required:

$ git --version
git version 2.34.1

$ cmake --version
cmake version 3.17.3
CMake suite maintained and supported by Kitware (

$ pkg-config --version

Install the required tools and libraries.

$ sudo yum install epel-release git gcc gcc-c++ cmake \
    gtk2-devel libpng-devel openexr-devel libwebp-devel \
    libjpeg-turbo-devel libtiff-devel gstreamer-plugins-base-devel \
    mesa-libGL mesa-libGL-devel

Build OpenCV: cmake, make and make install

In a terminal, change to the root dir of the extracted source, for example, ~/OpenCV/opencv-4.5.0. Next, create a build dir and change to it.

Note: to configure OpenCV to build the single, monolithic, "world" lib which includes all OpenCV modules for easy building (just like with the pre-built versions), add -DBUILD_opencv_world=ON to the cmake command.

Note: don't forget the .. (up one dir) at the end of the cmake command.

user@ build]$ make
user@ build]$ sudo make install


Since generation of pkg-config info was turned ON (per cmake command), update/create the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable:

$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/libs/opencv-4.5.0/lib64/pkgconfig:~/libs/opencv-3.4.11/lib64/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH

Note: For build of NFRL, pkg-config is used to point to the OpenCV include and libs directories.

Check pkg-config:

$ pkg-config --cflags opencv4
$ pkg-config --libs opencv4
-L/home/[user]/libs/opencv-4.5.0/lib64 -lopencv_dnn -lopencv_gapi -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_ml -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_photo -lopencv_stitching -lopencv_video -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_flann -lopencv_videoio -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_core

$ pkg-config --cflags opencv
$ pkg-config --libs opencv
-L/home/[user]/libs/opencv-3.4.11/lib64 -lopencv_dnn -lopencv_gapi -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_ml -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_photo -lopencv_stitching -lopencv_video -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_flann -lopencv_videoio -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_core

For convenience, add the PKG_CONFIG_PATH export-command to your ~.bashrc file.

Runtime libs PATH

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/libs/opencv-4.5.0/lib64:~/libs/opencv-3.4.11/lib64

For convenience, add the LD_LIBRARY_PATH export-command to your ~.bashrc file.

Build NFRL

NFRL's architecture is comprised of a "core" and a "wrapper."

The NFRL-core contains all the essential functionality that NFRL provides. Its API takes the input-images as a C++ std::vector type. When built as a static library, NFRL abstracts OpenCV and thus NFRL becomes "portable;" any using-application that uses NFRL does not require the OpenCV SDK in order to build.

The NFRL-wrapper affords the user to incorporate OpenCV in the using-application. It "wraps" the NFRL-core. Most likely, this wrapper-version would be leveraged using OpenCV's functions to read and write images from/to disk. Its API takes the input images as a cv::Mat type.

NFRL build library name image API type
core nfrl_core C++ std::vector
wrapper nfrl_opencv OpenCV cv::Mat

Table 1 - NFRL build options

There is NO DIFFERENCE in functionality between the NFRL-core and -wrapper "versions."


In the ./NFRL/src/lib/CMakeLists.txt file inside the if(WIN32) block, update the include function to point to OpenCV's .cmake file, e.g.:



In a Powershell terminal, navigate to the NFRL/build directory. See also .\doc\build\build_commands.txt for additional info. Run as follows:

PS .\build> cmake -S .. -DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES="Release"
PS .\build> MSBuild nfrl_core.sln

The library file is linked into .\src\lib\Release\nfrl_core.lib.

In the case that either of the build-commands are not found, update the PATH environment variable. To do this in Powershell, see Table 2 below.

Here's one way to find MSBuild.exe:

PS .\NFRL\build> &"${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" -latest -prerelease -products * -requires Microsoft.Component.MSBuild -find MSBuild\**\Bin\MSBuild.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe

Or, build using full path to MSBuild:

PS .\NFRL\build> & 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe' nfrl_core.sln
Tool Cmd to add to PATH
cmake $Env:PATH += ";C:\Program Files\CMake\bin"
MSBuild $Env:PATH += ";C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin"

Table 2 - Windows Powershell PATH Env Variable Update

NFRL Wrapper

In a Powershell terminal, navigate to the NFRL/build directory. Run as follows:

PS .\build> cmake -S .. -DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES="Release" -DUSE_OPENCV=1
PS .\build> MSBuild nfrl_opencv.sln

The library file is linked into .\src\lib\Release\nfrl_opencv.lib.


Use these steps for any Linux OS.

In the ./NFRL/src/lib/CMakeLists.txt, modify the name used by pkg-config based on the version of OpenCV to build against:

  • opencv-3.x.x: use pkg_check_modules(OPENCV REQUIRED opencv)
  • opencv-4.5.x: use pkg_check_modules(OPENCV REQUIRED opencv4)


In a terminal, navigate to the NFRL/build directory. Run as follows:

./build$ cmake ..
./build$ make

The library file is linked into ./NFRL/build/src/lib/libnfrl_core.a.

NFRL Wrapper

In a terminal, navigate to the NFRL/build directory. Run as follows:

./build$ cmake -DUSE_OPENCV=1 ..
./build$ make

The library file is linked into ./NFRL/build/src/lib/libnfrl_opencv.a.

Note that since OpenCV was built from source using the -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE switch, the release version of OpenCV is built into the NFRL library file.

Usage of NFRL

NFRL Core with C++ API

In the using source code, declare a pointer for allocation on the heap. Catch NFRL::Miscue per the constructor and the registration call:

NFRL_ITL::Registrator *r2;

std::vector<uchar> imgMovingData;
std::vector<uchar> imgFixedData;
std::vector<int> controlPointsCoords;
std::vector<std::string> metadataVisualInspection;
try {
  // Instantiate. Exception thrown if either image buffer is empty.
  r2 = new NFRL_ITL::Registrator( imgMovingData, imgFixedData, controlPointsCoords, metadataVisualInspection );
  // Exception thrown if control-point-coords vector COUNT not-equal to 8,
  // control-point overlap, image padding fails, or some other OpenCV exception.
catch( NFRL::Miscue &e ) {
  std::cout << e.message() << std::endl;
  std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;

Get the Registration Results

Registration metadata is available via custom methods and XML. To retrieve the entire set of registration metadata in XML format:

XmlMetadata xmd;
r2->getXmlMetadata(xmd);    // object r2 already instantiated
for( long unsigned i = 0; i < xmd.size(); i++ ) { std::cout << xmd[i] << std::endl; }

Or, access the registration metadata object directly:

NFRL_ITL::Registrator::RegistrationMetadata rmd;
r2->getMetadata(rmd);       // object r2 already instantiated
int regImgRows = rmd.registeredImgSize.height;
int regImgCols = rmd.registeredImgSize.width;
std::cout << "REG IMG SIZE: rows: " << regImgRows << " cols: " << regImgCols << std::endl;

NFRL Core with OpenCV API (the Wrapper)

In the using source code, declare a pointer for allocation on the heap. Catch NFRL::Miscue per the constructor and the registration call:

#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

NFRL_ITL::Registrator *r2;

cv::Mat imgMovingData;
cv::Mat imgFixedData;
std::vector<int> controlPointsCoords;
std::vector<std::string> metadataVisualInspection;
try {
  // Instantiate. Exception thrown if either image buffer is empty.
  r2 = new NFRL_ITL::Registrator( imgMovingData, imgFixedData, controlPointsCoords, metadataVisualInspection );
  // Exception thrown if control-point-coords vector COUNT not-equal to 8,
  // control-point overlap, image padding fails, or some other OpenCV exception.
catch( NFRL::Miscue &e ) {
  std::cout << e.message() << std::endl;
  std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;

Get the Registration Results

Registration metadata is available via custom methods and XML. To retrieve the entire set of registration metadata in XML format:

XmlMetadata xmd;
r2->getXmlMetadata(xmd);    // object r2 already instantiated
for( long unsigned i = 0; i < xmd.size(); i++ ) { std::cout << xmd[i] << std::endl; }

Or, access the registration metadata object directly:

NFRL::Registrator::RegistrationMetadata rmd;
r2->getMetadata(rmd);       // object r2 already instantiated
int regImgRows = rmd.registeredImgSize.height;
int regImgCols = rmd.registeredImgSize.width;
std::cout << "REG IMG SIZE: rows: " << regImgRows << " cols: " << regImgCols << std::endl;

Display Registration Results

There are six images available for display:

  1. Registered, Moving image
  2. Registered, Fixed image
  3. Overlaid padded, colorized image (for visual inspection)
  4. Padded blob region from which ROI coords were calculated; this is a PNG-compressed image
  5. Padded, registered Moving image (grayscale)
  6. Padded, Fixed image (grayscale)

To display the overlaid image for visual inspection:

#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

std::vector<unsigned char> olImg = r2->getColorOverlaidRegisteredImages();     // object r2 already instantiated
try {
  cv::Mat olImage = cv::imdecode( olImg, cv::IMREAD_UNCHANGED );
  cv::imshow( "Overlaid Images", olImage );
catch( const cv::Exception& ex ) {
  std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;

If desired to draw the crop region in the registered overlay image using OpenCV:

std::vector<int> extractCropROI( std::vector<std::string> strsToSplit )
  std::vector<int> output;
  std::string item;
  for( auto x:strsToSplit ) { 
    std::stringstream ss(x);
    while( std::getline(ss, item, ',') )
      output.push_back( std::stoi(item) );
  return output;

// rm2 is the registration-metadata instance.
std::vector<std::string> vecCropROI = rm2.overlapROICorners;
cropROIcoords = extractCropROI( vecCropROI );
cv::Rect minRect( cropROIcoords[0], cropROIcoords[1],     // top-left rect
                ( cropROIcoords[2] - cropROIcoords[0] ),  // bot-right rect
                ( cropROIcoords[3] - cropROIcoords[1]) ); // bot-right rect

// Call the appropriate OpenCV display function.
cv::rectangle( img,,, cv::Scalar(0,0,0), 1 );
cv::imshow( title, img );

Save Registered Images

To save the registered to disk, provide the PATH. If the PATH is invalid or the image buffer is empty or otherwise corrupted, exception is thrown.

try {
  r2->saveCroppedRegisteredImageToDisk( std::string PATH );
  r2->saveCroppedFixedImageToDisk( std::string PATH );
catch( NFRL::Miscue &e ) {
  std::cout << e.message() << std::endl;


Don't forget to delete the NFRL object.

  delete r2;


See README under ./doc directory.


Project Lead: John Libert (

Developers NFRL: Bruce Bandini (


See the NIST disclaimer at


NIST Fingerprint Registration Library







No releases published


No packages published