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Building the Simulators for Connectathon

Sunil Bhaskarla edited this page Oct 3, 2022 · 2 revisions

The cat test session is already built, now to add RED, GREEN, and BLUE simulators.

In older documentation you may find references to the Public Registry code base, now retired. Red, green, blue started out as three copies of the Public Registry. Now with toolkit they are just Responding Gateway simulators. This simulator type includes a Registry and Repository inside.

These simulators must live in the cat test session so that must already exist. To be able to make changes in this test session (assuming you have already configured for the event) you must sign in with the admin password.

In the cat test session create three Responding Gateway simulators named red, green, and blue. The final names, after toolkit adds them to the test session will be cat__red, cat__green, and cat__blue. On each simulator enable the following options: Update Metadata Option, Restricted Update Metadata Option, Extra Metadata Supported, Metadata Limited, Remove Metadata, and Remove Documents Option. These are all check boxes in the configuration window.

Next the homeCommunityId and repositoryUniqueId must be changed. Toolkit generates values for these IDs but Connectathon managers assign all systems at Connectathon values to use. These can be extracted from Gazelle and entered into the individual simulator configurations.

At this point the Patient IDs should already have been loaded into toolkit. Now they must be sent to each of the three Registry simulators here. Start by opening the Manage Patient IDs tool.

You will see a large collection of Patient IDs in the Favorite Patient IDs list. Below that is the Generate V2 Patient Identity Feed section. In Patient ID to Send select All in Favorites. Then select cat__red (later cat__blue and cat__green) as the system to send to. Press Run. This will take a while if the list is long. Repeat for blue and green.

If you open the Simulator Manager you can see the update number of Patient IDs on each of these simulators.

Create the simulator for the homeCommunityId test here.

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