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Resolving the External_Cache Toolkit Property

Sunil Bhaskarla edited this page Dec 22, 2022 · 7 revisions

The following only applies to XDS Toolkit.

Resolving the External Cache uses the following logic:

SP1 EcExists SP2 Result
Y Y Y External_Cache from the SP1 is used. Both the default and the SP2 are ignored. This will preserve the expectation of the SP2 behavior.
Y Y N External_Cache from the SP1 is used. The default is ignored.
Y N Y The External_Cache from the SP2 is used and the SP1 file's ExternalCache property is updated to this value because the SP1 External_Cache does not exist.
Y N N Invalid External_Cache from the system property means the user needs to update the External Cache manually using the Tool Configuration UI tool page. (This instruction is printed in the startup log message.)
N Y Y The External_Cache from the default is used because the directory exists. The reason being External_Cache should always be editable from the Toolkit UI
N Y N External_Cache from the default is used.
N N Y The External_Cache from the system property is used and the default file's ExternalCache property is updated to this value.
N N N Bogus External_Cache from the default means the user needs to update the External Cache manually using the Tool Configuration UI tool page. (This instruction is printed in the startup log message.)
SP1 Java System Property -DTOOLKIT_PROPERTIES is Present
EcExists ExternalCache Java File Path exists (path could be from either the file from SP1, if present, or the default
SP2 Java System Property -DEXTERNAL_CACHE is Present
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