by Kevin F. Garrity and Kamal Choudhary
This is a python wrapper for the ThreeBodyTB.jl Julia package, which runs two- and three-body tight-binding calculations for materials.
Using the Julia version directly is the primary method for running the code. However, this code is created to help users who might be more familiar with python using the PyJulia interface.
First create a conda environment: Install miniconda environment from Based on your system requirements, you'll get a file something like 'Miniconda3-latest-XYZ'.
bash (for linux)
bash (for Mac)
Download 32/64 bit python 3.6 miniconda exe and install (for windows) Now, let's make a conda environment, say "version", choose other name as you like::
conda create --name my_tb3 python=3.8 chardet
source activate my_tb3
conda install -c conda-forge julia=1.6.2
Now, let's install the package:
pip install requests
git clone
cd tb3py
python develop
Alternate conda install:
conda create --name my_tb3 python=3.8
source activate my_tb3
conda install -c conda-forge tb3py
Note that this can take a while and may use significant disk space. The code will, if necessary, a) download & install Julia b) download & install ThreeBodyTB.jl, and c) create a system image for fast loading.
For main documentation of ThreeBodyTB.jl, see This code is only the wrapper that downloads and installs that code.
Notebooks | Google Colab | Descriptions |
Python based example | Examples for running TB3Py using Python+Julia, getting wannier90_hr.dat files, bandstructure/DOS calculations. | |
Julia based example | Examples of running Julia based code with similar functionality as above. |
Predict total energy, electronic bandgap and bandstructure for a system using POSCAR file:
python tb3py/ --poscar_file tb3py/examples/POSCAR
Predict total energy, electronic bandgap and bandstructure for a system using cif file:
python tb3py/ --cif_file tb3py/examples/JVASP-1002.cif
There are several other examples provided to calculate total energies, electronic bandstructures, density of states, forces on atoms, vacancy and surface formation energies in the repo also. More details and documentation will be available soon.
Julia can take advantage multiple threads. Try setting the environment variable below as appropriate for your machine.
Note that despite using pre-compilation where possible, some functions will run faster the second time you run them due to the jit.
Note that you must delete the system image if you want to update the ThreeBodyTB.jl code and re-run the installation.