This is a web application that allows users to transcribe speech into text using the browser's speech recognition capabilities. Once the conversion is complete, users can easily copy the transcribed text and share it with others. Whether it's for collaboration, note-taking, or preserving important conversations, this app has got you covered!
Install my-project with npm
Clone the repository: git clone
cd speech-to-text
npm install
- Open the application in your browser (by default, it runs on http://localhost:3000 or 5173).
- Click the "Start Listening" button to enable speech recognition.
- Start speaking, and your speech will be transcribed in real-time and displayed in the main content area.
- To copy the transcribed text, click the "Copy to clipboard" button.
- You can stop the speech recognition by clicking the "Stop Listening" button.
Check it out Here
Also check out my Text to Speech App : Click