it is developed on c++ driven by sophon chip driver, provided by sophon tech. Burning EFUSE, generation of key pairs, signature of chip are all executed at this module
install bm-chip driver from sophon website, all technical information is found here:, you may follow instructions to install driver at worker server.
All worker servers must be used at Ubuntu/Linux system for adapting the driver
For the 1684 chipsets, you need to install SDK v2.7.0 at the Ubuntu server:wget
For the 1684x/1686 chipsets, you need to install SDK v0.5.0: download from
, and place into the server \ -
After installing driver, you start with the command: "bm-smi" to check the status and information of all chips, shown below
For more details, process about installing the driver and commands, there is another readme file under ./bm_chip/src/ .
compile the libraries under the src/ directory:
- g++ -shared -o .cpp ../bmlib/src/.cpp ../bmlib/src/linux/*.cpp ../common/bm1684/src/common.c -I../bmlib/include -I../bmlib/src/linux -I../common/bm1684/include -I../config -I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib -lssl -lcrypto -fPIC
- make sure cmake, openssl is all installed at the server
- This will build a at the same directory,providing sdk for golang to request
make a copy of at local lib :
- cp ./ /usr/local/lib/ (or cp ./ /usr/lib/)
it is the server developed on golang to provide grpc and http service, asked by miner app, communicating with utility nodes, base server or container cloud server
- demo of bm-chip sdk request by golang
- run the chip demo at /cmd/demo, this the demo to show how to burn, generate keys, sign message and verify signature: go build -o ../test, and do next:
../test start dev_id : start the cpu of the chip, whose id number is dev_id. dev_id is the Bus-ID, like 1, 2, 3, 4 shown in the figure above (if it is not started, the following command will fail)
../test burn dev_id : burn an AES key of the chip, whose id number is dev_id, at the efuse area, it will give a success message (this command can only be executed once, you are required to restart the server before proceeding the following command)
../test keygen dev_id : generate p2 and pubkey from the efuse area, stored as two files (this command can only be executed once, the files are kept /bm_chip/src/key)
../test keyread dev_id : read p2 and pubkey from stored files (this command can be executed multiple times, the result can be upload to blockchain)
../test sign dev_id : send p2 and a message into the chip to sign a digest(this command can be executed multiple times)
../test verify dev_id : send signature, message and pubkey to verify its validity(this command can be executed multiple times)
(dev_id now is defaulted as 6 for sign and verify, you can keyread the chip 6 8 10)
- miner server and worker server
- when operating at miner server, under ./miner-server/cmd/miner build the executable file miner:
go build -o ../miner
and run it (for the ./miner-server/api/chipApi/burn.go sign.go, replace the function)
when operating at miner server, under ./miner-server/cmd/worker build the executable file miner:go build -o ../worker
and run it \
- json file
- json files are stored at at ./miner-server/cmd/jsonfile, with another readme file explaining the function of each json file. Simply they are used for calling utility nodes grpc method to upload chip information, claim chip computation/stake or sign transaction.