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📖 epub2md

Even though the package is primarily intended for CLI is to convert EPUB to Markdown, but it can be used programmatically.

主要的目标是转换 epub 到 markdown,当然了也可以当做 epub 的解析器库使用.

Global Install for CLI

# node global cli
$ npm install epub2md -g

Development Install

# for node
$ npm install epub2md

# for deno
$ deno add @xw/epub2md

# from GitHub Packages Registry
$ npm install @uxiew/epub2md


# show usage
$ epub2md -h

# Convert directly to markdown format
$ epub2md ../../fixtures/zhihu.epub
# or -m
$ epub2md -m ../../fixtures/zhihu.epub

# Convert directly to markdown format with autocorrect to handle spacing between CJK and English words and Correct punctuations Only for command line use
$ epub2md -M ../../fixtures/zhihu.epub

# show other info
$ epub2md -u ../../fixtures/zhihu.epub
$ epub2md -i ../../fixtures/zhihu.epub
$ epub2md -S ../../fixtures/zhihu.epub
$ epub2md -s ../../fixtures/zhihu.epub


import { parseEpub } from 'epub2md'

const epubObj = await parseEpub('/path/to/file.epub')

console.log('epub content:', epubObj)

parseEpub(target: string | buffer, options ?: ParserOptions): EpubObject


type: string orbuffer

It can be the path to the file or file's binary string or buffer

options: ParserOptions

  • type ?: 'binaryString' | 'path' | 'buffer'

It forces the parser to treat supplied target as the defined type, if not defined the parser itself will decide how to treat the file(useful when you are not sure if the path is valid).

  • expand ?: boolean

  • convertToMarkdown ?: (htmlstr: string) => string

    use custom convert function, you can use turndown or node-html-markdown.etc.


The return value is an object which containsstructure, sections, info(private property names start with _.I don't recommend using them, since they are subscribed to change).

structure is the parsed toc of epub file, they contain information about how the book is constructed.

sections is an array of chapters or sections under chapters, they are referred in structure.Each section object contains the raw html string and a few handy methods.

  • Section.prototype.toMarkdown: convert to markdown object.

  • Section.prototype.toHtmlObjects: convert to html object. And a note about src andhref, thesrc andhref in raw html stay untouched, but the toHtmlObjects method resolves src to base64 string, and alters href so that they make sense in the parsed epub.And the parsed href is something like#{sectionId},{hash}.

How to contribute

  • Raise an issue in the issue section.
  • PRs are the best. ❤️

