- Frontend: React Native, Expo, React Native Paper, Redux Toolkit
- Backend: .NET 7, ASP.NET, MediatR, EF, Ocelot, MassTransit
- Persistence: MongoDB, PostgreSQL
- Messaging: RabbitMQ
- Deploying: Docker, Docker Compose
File / Folder | Description |
ApiGateways | Contains API Gateway applicatons source code |
Common | Contains shared class libraries source code for backend applications |
Frontend | Contains frontend applications source code (for example mobile, web and etc.) |
Services | Contains backend microservices source code |
docker-compose.yml docker-compose.everride.yml |
Contains instructions for managing and deploying docker containers |
Makefile | Contains commands for the application deployment (make deployment simple) |
.env.template | Contains template for creating .env file |
This is the short guide for developers on how to deploy the application locally.
To deploy the backend locally you have to install such dependencies as: Docker and Makefile.
- Create
file in src directory using .env.template - Execute command
make up
from src directory
To deploy the mobile application you can use cloud (EAS) or local solution (it's required to install XCode or Android Studio).
Carry out instructions bellow from folder Folks.MobileClient
- If you have chosen locally application deployment, follow this guide
- If you have chosen application deployment using (EAS) follow steps below
- Install EAS CLI using command
npm install -g eas-cli
- Contact the owner to add your expo account to the existing expo project
- Create
- Create
and set environment variables depends on your deployed backend services - Follow steps 4 or 5 from the guide
- Execute command
npm run start
- Install EAS CLI using command
dotnet ef migrations add MigrationName --project Folks.IdentityService.Database.Migrations --startup-project Folks.IdentityService.Api -c PersistedGrantDbContext -o PersistedGrantDb
dotnet ef migrations add MigrationName --project Folks.IdentityService.Database.Migrations --startup-project Folks.IdentityService.Api -c ConfigurationDbContext -o ConfigurationDb
dotnet ef migrations add MigrationName --project Folks.IdentityService.Database.Migrations --startup-project Folks.IdentityService.Api -c IdentityServiceDbContext -o IdentityServiceDb