- Infer Pro is software that generates applicable patches for vulnerabilities reported by the Infer Static Analyzer
- This project was created for the course
Ingegneria dei Sistemi Distribuiti
at UniCT. - The patches are generated using the Gemini Pro API
Different execution can produce different results.
Given the following code as input:
#include <string.h>
int main () {
char* test = malloc(-1);
strcpy(test, "yoooooooo");
Infer will produce the following report:
main.c:6: error: Buffer Overrun L1
Offset: 9 Size: [0, -1].
5. char* test = malloc(-1);
6. strcpy(test, "yoooooooo");
8. }
main.c:5: error: Inferbo Alloc Is Big
Length: 18446744073709551615.
3. int main () {
5. char* test = malloc(-1);
6. strcpy(test, "yoooooooo");
main.c:6: error: Null Dereference
pointer `test` last assigned on line 5 could be null and is dereferenced by call to `strcpy()` at line 6, column 9.
5. char* test = malloc(-1);
6. strcpy(test, "yoooooooo");
8. }
Found 3 issues
Issue Type(ISSUED_TYPE_ID): #
Null Dereference(NULL_DEREFERENCE): 1
Inferbo Alloc Is Big(INFERBO_ALLOC_IS_BIG): 1
Buffer Overrun L1(BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1): 1
The software will produce the following patch file:
--- test3/main.c
+++ test3/main.c
@@ -2,7 +2,11 @@
int main () {
- char* test = malloc(-1);
- strcpy(test, "yoooooooo");
+ char* test = NULL;
+ if(test = malloc(256)) {
+ strcpy(test, "yoooooooo");
+ free(test);
+ }