The @groupagreebot is an advanced poll bot for Telegram. It features fully customizable polls for organizing your group chats and keeping the spam to a minimum.
An example: You want to hang out with your friends, but don't know when they are free? Normally, you would just ask when to meet, resulting in dozens of messages being send and staying on top of it getting out of hand. So, instead of whipping out the old pen and paper and counting people by hand, just ask the GroupAgree Bot kindly to do that for you:
Just try it out yourself: Visit
The license for this project is AGPLv3, please read the license file in this repo before modifying or cloning this repo.
1. Clone this Git repo, install Docker and Docker-compose
2. Create a new bot through @botfather
Group Agree Test (your displayed bot name here)
groupagreetestbot (your bot username here)
Search polls...
start - 📝 Create a new poll
list - 📋 List all polls
cancel - 🚫 Cancel the current operation
help - ℹ️ Get help
lang - 🗣Change language
INSERT INTO `instances` VALUES (
0,0,'2019-01-01 00:00:00',0,'[]',NULL
docker-compose up --build -d --scale adminer=0
(on first run bot might come alive in 20 seconds or so because of MySQL initialization)
Bot logs: docker-compose logs -f
— you should see "beacon ..." line for every message your bot receives.
Bot containers will restart automatically on system reboot, alongside Docker daemon.
Manual stop: docker-compose stop
Manual start: docker-compose start db groupagree
docker-compose up adminer
# access web interface at http://your-ip:8080/, username: gab, password: gab
Ctrl-C or `docker-compose stop adminer` when you're finished
Backup: docker-compose exec -T db mysqldump -ugab -pgab groupagreebot_beta > backup.sql
Restore: re-create the containers from scratch, replacing groupagreebot_database_05_05_2019.sql
with your backup.sql
To remove all containers and data (!): docker-compose down -v --rmi local
You need
Xamarin Studio / MonoDevelop: (or another C# IDE)
(For Windows: .NET 4.5.X Developer Pack
JSON.NET: (should be integrated by now through nuget tho)
This is a C# project, so you need mono for non Microsoft operating systems or .NET 4.5 (or higher) for Windows to run it.
Start by installing Xamarin / MonoDevelop and MySQL.
Set you bot up through @botfather. Allow inline queries, disable groups and set inline query feedback to 100%.
Use the chat id as mysql username and the key as password (format: chat_id:botkey, like 1122334455:AABBCCDDEEFFGG11223344
This is to make multiple instances on one machine possible.
Temporary solution for the db layout Modify this script for the use with your bot (replace bot_chat_id with your bots chat id).
Start Xamarin / MonoDevelop (maybe you need to install the version control addon, but Xamarin/MonoDevelop should prompt you)
Go to Version Control and select Checkout, add this repo (or your fork ;D, seriously) and Checkout, now you should have the source code ready and imported in your IDE.
Modify the file GroupAgreeBot/Globals.cs with your bot key and name (I currently have three configurations, just use Debug for a local instance) and optionally WJClubBotFrame/Notifications.cs with your logging bots api key and your logging chats chat id (can be yours or any other chat, you just have to add the bot to it)
Now release your source code (seriously, once you start the bot you have to release the source code, read the license)
Click start in your IDE and you should be good to go, your bot should be up and running :D
Any questions or concerns, ask in @groupagreebotdevelopment or pm us @wjclub If you found bugs, want to contribute to this project etc, use GitHubs features, we love to see them in action. (And have no fear, we won't laugh at you for stupid issues)
Happy polling
browny99, the guy who wrote this whole piece of dark art