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Online Bag-of-Visual-Words Generation for Unsupervised Representation Learning

Official PyTorch implementation of the OBoW paper accepted at CVPR 2021


Spyros Gidaris, Andrei Bursuc, Gilles Puy, Nikos Komodakis, Matthieu Cord, Patrick PĂ©rez, CVPR 2021

If you use the OBoW code or framework in your research, please consider citing:

    title={Learning Representations by Predicting Bags of Visual Words},
    author={Gidaris, Spyros and Bursuc, Andrei and Puy, Gilles and Komodakis, Nikos and Cord, Matthieu and P{\'e}rez, Patrick},


This code is released under the MIT License (refer to the LICENSE file for details).



  • Python 3.7
  • Pytorch >= 1.3.1 (tested with 1.3.1)
  • CUDA 10.0 or higher


(1) Clone the repo:

$ git clone

(2) Install this repository and the dependencies using pip:

$ pip install -e ./obow

With this, you can edit the obow code on the fly and import function and classes of obow in other projects as well.

(3) Optional. To uninstall this package, run:

$ pip uninstall obow

(4) Create experiment directory:

$ cd obow
$ mkdir ./experiments

You can take a look at the Dockerfile if you are uncertain about the steps to install this project.

Download our ResNet50 pre-trained model

Method Epochs Batch-size Dataset ImageNet linear acc. Links to pre-trained weights
OBoW 200 256 ImageNet 73.8 entire model / only feature extractor

To download our ResNet50 pre-trained model from the command line run:

# Run from the OBoW directory
$ mkdir ./experiments/ImageNetFull
$ cd ./experiments/ImageNetFull

# To download all model files
$ wget
$ unzip

# To download only the student feature extractor in torchvision-like format
$ wget
$ unzip

$ cd ../../

Experiments: Training and evaluating ImageNet self-supervised features.

Train a ResNet50-based OBoW model (full solution) on the ImageneNet dataset.

# Run from the obow directory
# Train the OBoW model.
$ python --config=ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full --workers=32 -p=250 --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet --multiprocessing-distributed --dist-url='tcp://'

Here with --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet it is assumed that the ImageNet dataset is at the location /datasets_local/ImageNet. The configuration file for running the above experiment, which is specified by the --config argument, is located at: ./config/ImageNetFull/ Note that all the experiment configuration files are placed in the ./config/ directory. The data of this experiment, such as checkpoints and logs, will be stored at ./experiments/ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full.

Evaluate on the ImageNet linear classification protocol

Train an ImageNet linear classification model on top of frozen features learned by student of the OBoW model.

# Run from the obow directory
# Train and evaluate a linear classifier for the 1000-way ImageNet classification task.
$ python --config=ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full --workers=32 -p=250 -b 1024 --wd 0.0 --lr 10.0 --epochs 100 --cos-schedule --dataset ImageNet --name "ImageNet_LinCls_b1024_wd0lr10_e100" --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet --multiprocessing-distributed --dist-url='tcp://'

The data of this experiment, such as checkpoints and logs, will be stored at ./experiments/ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full/ImageNet_LinCls_b1024_wd0lr10_e100.

Evaluate on the Places205 linear classification protocol

Train an Places205 linear classification model on top of frozen features extracted from the OBoW model.

# Run from the obow directory
# Train and evaluate a linear classifier for the 205-way Places205 classification task.
$ python --config=ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full --dataset Places205 --batch-norm --workers=32 -p=500 -b 256 --wd 0.00001 --lr 0.01 --epochs 28 --schedule 10 20 --name "Places205_LinCls_b256_wd1e4lr0p01_e28" --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/Places205 --multiprocessing-distributed --dist-url='tcp://'

The data of this experiment, such as checkpoints and logs, will be stored at ./experiments/ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full/Places205_LinCls_b256_wd1e4lr0p01_e28.

ImageNet semi-supervised evaluation setting.

# Run from the obow directory
# Fine-tune with 1% of ImageNet annotated images.
$ python --config=ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full --workers=32 -p=50  --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet --multiprocessing-distributed --dist-url='tcp://' --percentage 1 --lr=0.0002 --lr-head=0.5 --lr-decay=0.2 --wd=0.0 --epochs=40 --schedule 24 32 --name="semi_supervised_prc1_wd0_lr0002lrp5_e40"
# Fine-tune with 10% of ImageNet annotated images.
$ python --config=ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full --workers=32 -p=50  --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet --multiprocessing-distributed --dist-url='tcp://' --percentage 10 --lr=0.0002 --lr-head=0.5 --lr-decay=0.2 --wd=0.0 --epochs=20 --schedule 12 16 --name="semi_supervised_prc10_wd0_lr0002lrp5_e20"

The data of these experiments, such as checkpoints and logs, will be stored at ./experiments/ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full/semi_supervised_prc1_wd0_lr0002lrp5_e40 and ./experiments/ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full/semi_supervised_prc10_wd0_lr0002lrp5_e20 (for the 1% and 10% settings respectively).

Convert to torchvision format.

The ResNet50 model that we trained is stored in a different format than that of the torchvision ResNe50 model. The following command converts it to the torchvision format.

$ python --config=ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet --multiprocessing-distributed --dist-url='tcp://' --convert-to-torchvision

Pascal VOC07 Classification evaluation.

First convert from the torchvision format to the caffe2 format (see command above).

# Run from the obow directory
python utils/ --pth_model ./experiments/ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full/tochvision_resnet50_student_K8192_epoch200.pth.tar --output_model ./experiments/ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full/caffe2_resnet50_student_K8192_epoch200_bgr.pkl --rgb2bgr True

For the following steps you need first to download and install fair_self_supervision_benchmark.

# Run from the fair_self_supervision_benchmark directory
$ python install
$ python -c 'import self_supervision_benchmark'
# Step 1: prepare datatset.
$ mkdir obow_ep200
$ mkdir obow_ep200/voc
$ mkdir obow_ep200/voc/voc07
$ python extra_scripts/ --data_source_dir /datasets_local/VOC2007/ --output_dir ./obow_ep200/voc/voc07/
# Step 2: extract features from voc2007
$ mkdir obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output
$ mkdir obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap
$ mkdir obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data
# ==> Extract pool5 features from the train split.
$ python tools/ \
    --config_file [obow directory path]/utils/configs/benchmark_tasks/image_classification/voc07/resnet50_supervised_extract_gap_features.yaml \
    --data_type train \
    --output_file_prefix trainval \
    --output_dir ./obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data \
    TEST.PARAMS_FILE [obow directory path]/experiments/obow/ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full/caffe2_resnet50_student_K8192_epoch200_bgr.pkl \
    TRAIN.DATA_FILE ./obow_ep200/voc/voc07/train_images.npy \
    TRAIN.LABELS_FILE ./obow_ep200/voc/voc07/train_labels.npy
# ==> Extract pool5 features from the test split.
$ python tools/ \
    --config_file [obow directory path]/utils/configs/benchmark_tasks/image_classification/voc07/resnet50_supervised_extract_gap_features.yaml \
    --data_type test \
    --output_file_prefix test \
    --output_dir ./obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data \
    TEST.PARAMS_FILE [obow directory path]/experiments/obow/ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full/caffe2_resnet50_student_K8192_epoch200_bgr.pkl \
    TRAIN.DATA_FILE ./obow_ep200/voc/voc07/test_images.npy TEST.DATA_FILE ./obow_ep200/voc/voc07/test_images.npy \
    TRAIN.LABELS_FILE ./obow_ep200/voc/voc07/test_labels.npy TEST.LABELS_FILE ./obow_ep200/voc/voc07/test_labels.npy
# Step 4: Train and test linear svms.
# ==> Train linear svms.
$ mkdir obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data/voc07_svm
$ mkdir obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data/voc07_svm/svm_pool5bn
$ python tools/svm/ \
    --data_file ./obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data/trainval_pool5_bn_features.npy \
    --targets_data_file ./obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data/trainval_pool5_bn_targets.npy \
    --costs_list "0.05,0.1,0.3,0.5,1.0,3.0,5.0" \
    --output_path ./obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data/voc07_svm/svm_pool5bn/  
# ==> Test the linear svms.
$ python tools/svm/ \
    --data_file ./obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data/test_pool5_bn_features.npy \
    --targets_data_file ./obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data/test_pool5_bn_targets.npy \
    --costs_list "0.05,0.1,0.3,0.5,1.0,3.0,5.0" \
    --output_path ./obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data/voc07_svm/svm_pool5bn/    

Pascal VOC07+12 Object Detection evaluation.

(1) First install Detectron2.

(2) Convert a pre-trained model from the torchvision format to the caffe2 format required by Detectron2 (see command above).

(3) Put dataset under "./datasets" directory, following the directory structure requried by Detectron2.

(4) Copy the config file in the Detectron2 repo configs/PascalVOC-Detection.

(5) In Detectron2 launch the script to reproduce the object detection experiments on Pascal VOC:

python tools/ --num-gpus 8 --config-file configs/PascalVOC-Detection/pascal_voc_0712_faster_rcnn_R_50_C4_BoWNetpp_K8192.yaml

Other experiments: Training using 20% of ImageNet and ResNet18.

A single gpu is enough for the following experiments.

ResNet18-based OBoW vanilla solution.

# Run from the obow directory
# Train the model.
$ python --config=ImageNet20/ResNet18_OBoW_vanilla --workers=16 --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet
# Few-shot evaluation.
$ python --config=ImageNet20/ResNet18_OBoW_vanilla --workers=16 --episodes 200 --fewshot-q 1 --fewshot-n 50 --fewshot-k 1 5 --evaluate --start-epoch=-1 --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet
# Linear classification evaluation. Note the following command precaches the extracted features at root/local_storage/spyros/cache/obow.
$ python --config=ImageNet20/ResNet18_OBoW_vanilla --workers=16 -b 256 --wd 0.000002 --dataset ImageNet --name "ImageNet_LinCls_precache_b256_lr10p0wd2e6" --precache --lr 10.0 --epochs 50 --schedule 15 30 45 --subset=260 --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet --cache-dir=/root/local_storage/spyros/cache/obow

ResNet18-based OBoW full solution.

# Run from the obow directory
# Train the model.
$ python --config=ImageNet20/ResNet18_OBoW_full --workers=16 --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet
# Few-shot evaluation.
$ python --config=ImageNet20/ResNet18_OBoW_full --workers=16 --episodes 200 --fewshot-q 1 --fewshot-n 50 --fewshot-k 1 5 --evaluate --start-epoch=-1 --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet
# Linear classification evaluation. Note the following command precaches the extracted features at root/local_storage/spyros/cache/obow.
$ python --config=ImageNet20/ResNet18_OBoW_full --workers=16 -b 256 --wd 0.000002 --dataset ImageNet --name "ImageNet_LinCls_precache_b256_lr10p0wd2e6" --precache --lr 10.0 --epochs 50 --schedule 15 30 45 --subset=260 --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet --cache-dir=/root/local_storage/spyros/cache/obow

Download the ResNet18-based OBoW models pre-trained on 20% of ImageNet.

# Run from the OBoW directory
$ mkdir ./experiments/ImageNet20
$ cd ./experiments/ImageNet20

# To download the full OBoW version
$ wget
$ unzip

# To download the vanilla OBoW version
$ wget
$ unzip

$ cd ../../