Install rust if you don't have it already, find the instructions here
Make sure you also have the build dependencies installed, if not run:
sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt install pkg-config
sudo apt install libssl-dev
sudo apt install cmake
sudo apt update
In case you don't have a MQTT broker running yet, you can run one locally with Mosquitto:
sudo apt install mosquitto
If you don't want to set authentication for users run:
To enable authentication through usernames and passwords, follow the steps in this guide
Download the Repository:
git clone
Configure the streams-gateway:
nano config.json
Set the whitelisted_device_ids to include all the device IDs specified in their respective configuration files.
Leave username, password empty ("") if your borker does not require authentication.
Set the username, password if you are connecting to an authenticaded broker.
Set the borker_ip, broker_port to match the location on the broker, (default MQTT port is 1883).
Change topic, node, mwm, local_pow if needed
Run the streams-gateway:
cargo run --release
This starts the server which will forward messages from the devices to the Tangle
The Output will be something like this:
>> Starting....
>> Channel root: "47d504e1a825e142dd899dda81ff787c7cfad3b83977feec3545eaef4315c8a50000000000000000:fd93e57d937910f429cdd211"
>> To read the messages copy the channel root into
>> Listening for topic iot2tangle on http://localhost:1883
To send data to the server you can use cURL, make sure the ip and port are the same as in the config.json file, and that they point to the broker:
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 1883 -u -P -t "iot2tangle" -m '{ "iot2tangle": [ { "sensor": "Gyroscope", "data": [ { "x": "4514" }, { "y": "244" }, { "z": "-1830" } ] }, { "sensor": "Acoustic", "data": [ { "mp": "1" } ] } ], "device": "DEVICE_ID_1", "timestamp": "" }'
Set values for -u -P to spsecify the username and the password for an authenticated broker