Import and use animated icons on your website! These animated icons are inspired by Google's Material Design.
You'll find a lot of examples on how to customize & use Anicons in this folder.
1. The best way to use the Anicons library is by importing it in your sass file:
@import link/to/anicons.sass
(code for your customized icons)
You can change the icon color and size:
+color(green) // Just use the color() mixin!
font-size: 8px // Just use the font-size property!
2. Link to the compiled sass in your html file:
<link href="link/to/my-customized-icons.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
3. Add the Anicons into your html file:
<i class="anico menu close"></i>
You can use the s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, or s6 class to change the icon lineweight:
<i class="anico menu close s4"></i>
4. Add your choice of javascript to toggle the icons in your javascript file:
$('.anico').click(function() {