Welcome to the the world of Kotlin. An ongoing curated list of frameworks, books, articles, talks, screencasts, recordings, libraries, learning tutorials and resources about kotlin development.
When you hear Kotlin, you will probably think about it as a programming language merely for developing mobile apps on Android, and you are right – but only partially. That is because Google decided that Kotlin was its preferred language for building Android apps. Yet this language is much more than that, Android being only a fraction of possibilities Kotlin offers. But let’s start from the beginning…
It is an open-source statically typed programming language designed by JetBrains. Yep, the same guys who created IntelliJ IDEA. You may say “IntelliJ is the best IDE for JAVA, those people know how to do the stuff, this Kotlin might be a really good tool” – and you are right! I mean, if you like JAVA and think it is a cool language then Kotlin is even cooler. Why? I will show you later.
A collection of interesting Kotlin guides.
- From Java to Kotlin - Cheat Sheet For Java to Kotlin.
- Kotlin examples - A collection of examples of kotlin usage by JetBrains.
- Kotlin Guide - An interesting guide to approach Kotlin by Thorsten Schleinzer.
- Official Kotlin - The official Kotlin website with plenty resources to learn this language.
Community where talk about Kotlin and share informations.
- Kotlin Forum - The official Kotlin Forum.
- Kotlin on Linkedin - The official Kotlin LinkedIn channel.
- Kotlin on Reddit - The official Kotlin Reddit channel.
Newsletter about Kotlin.
- Kotlin Daily - A curated twitter account with daily suggestion about Kotlin.
- Kotlin Weekly - A curated weekly newsletter about the best of Kotlin around the net.
Podcast about Kotlin.
- Talking Kotlin - A curated podcast about Kotlin language.
- ganalytics - Google Analytics tiny framework.
- Raincoat - Analytics abstraction layer.
- ActivityStarter - Easy way to start the Activities with arguments.
- LastAdapter - An adapter and viewholder handler for easier android development.
- Mystique - RecyclerView generated via homogeneous and heterogeneous lists effortlessly using an universal adapter logging framework.
- Stepper-Touch - A simple stepper touch button.
- Fotoapparat - Making Camera for Android more friendly.
- Simple-Gallery - A gallery for viewing photos and videos.
- Flexbox - Flexbox layout by Google.
- MapMe - A modern adapter approach for maps, supporting Google Maps and Mapbox.
- Permission Dispatcher - Provides a simple annotation-based API to handle runtime permissions.
- NestedRecyclerView - Improve the scroll angle when 2 recyclers views are nested.
- Fiberglass - Easy lightweight SharedPreferences library with delegated properties.
- KotlinPreferences - Easy way to use Android shared preferences.
- Kotpref - A simpler way to handle shared preferences.
- xpref - Multiprocess sharedpreferences.
- Anko - A collection of utils to make Android development faster and easier.
- arrow - Functional companion to Kotlin's Standard Library.
- KAndroid - Provide extensions and remove boilerplates on Android development.
- Result - The modelling for success/failure of operations.
- Android Snowfall - Fully customizable implementation of Snowfall View on Android.
- bubble - Easy way check current view orientation.
- ChatMessageView - Chat UI library for Android.
- Colored Time Selector - A smart colored time selector for Android.
- DotsLoader - Android dots loader.
- Konfetti - Particle system for your views.
- kotterknife - View binding made easy.
- Multi Selection - Multiselection Solution for Android.
- NoiseView - Easily add noise effect on your image.
- shadow - Easy shadow handler for view.
- StickyTimeLine - Timeline view for Android.
- Android Indefinite Pager Indicator - Making Camera for Android more friendly.
- Fuse - A disk and memory caching lib.
- kotlin-nosql - NoSQL database query and access library.
- Exposed - A lightweight SQL library written over JDBC.
- Kwery - SQL library over JDBC.
- Requery - A modern SQL based query & persistence.
- Kotson - Simple GSON Parser.
- klaxon - JSON parser.
- kotlin-logging - Lightweight logging framework.
- Fuel - A complete network library with routing support.
- kaha - A simple Servlet based web framework.
- kara - A tiny web framework for JVM.
- kovert - A REST (and Web) framework.
- ktor - A framework for quickly creating web applications.
- Kotlin Native - An LLVM backend for the Kotlin compiler, runtime implementation, and native code generation facility using the LLVM toolchain.
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