This repository shows you how to inject secrets in your application from Hashicorp Vault in Kubernetes
Create cluster | Install Vault Helm chart
make start
Build Golang api and push docker image
make image
Create secret, kubernetes authentication, policies and roles in Vault
make vault
Deploy Helm chart
make api
Create port forward with application container
make forward
Now, you can request http://localhost:8080
{ "APP_ENV_SECRET":"my_secure_secret", "APP_ENV_VALUE":"production", "HOME":"/home/nonroot", "HOSTNAME":"api-deployment-78c847444f-5wmgl", "OS_RELEASE":"NAME=\"Alpine Linux\"\nID=alpine\nVERSION_ID=3.18.2\nPRETTY_NAME=\"Alpine Linux v3.18\"\nHOME_URL=\"\"\nBUG_REPORT_URL=\"\"\n" }
- delete everything in your system about this project
make cleanup