v1.4 - September 2018
- split p margins between top and bottom to better display Google Auto Ads
- added new Word Count functions
- amended List of All Articles template with word counts
v1.3 - April 2016
- slightly larger Gravatar on Author Bio Box, avoiding orphaned wpguru.co.uk URL
v1.2 - 24/11/2015
- removed hyphenations except for links
- added clickable links from URLs (like in P2)
v1.1 - 20/11/2015
- added JetPack pageviews to content.php (currently inactive)
v1.0 - 04/11/2015 at 15:00 EST
- brand new theme, based on TwentyThirteen
- changed themes because P2 made my servers crash!
- and because P2 wasn't mobile freindly!
- removed author bio box (TwentyThirteen privdes its own)
- changed fonts throughout to San Francisco / Helvetica Neue / Sans Serif