Register @ and navigate to Take the license key and add this to /.devcontainer/structurizr/data/ Download the war file and store this as /.devcontainer/structurizr/war/structurizr-onpremises.war
Make sure you have VSCode, docker AND the extension:
Open up the folder with VSCode and it should mention it's seeing a devcontainer asking if it should open up the devcontainer instead. Click yes.
Alternatively you can run "Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container" using the command pallete
Edit the diagram(s) in /dsl (see demo.dsl for example, which you can remove) Press ctrl+f5(run) to open your browser to the local structurizr instance and ctrl+shift+b (build) to publish your diagram to the local structurizr server
Navigate to http://localhost:1315 using your local browser and log in using the login credentials: "structurizr"/"password"