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Tools for one-time git configuration. Shortcuts for common git commands


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Shortcuts for common git commands and a tool for managing git configuration easily

Table of contents


Manual Installation

Follow these steps to install sgit manually:

  1. Download the latest zip package

  2. Unzip the archive to an arbitrary directory

    unzip -d ~/tools

  3. Add unzipped directory (sgit-0.1.0/scripts) to your $PATH variable:

    Assuming that the package is unzipped in the ~/tools directory:

    Insert this line in the end of ~/.bashrc file:

    export PATH=$PATH:~/tools/sgit-0.1.0/scripts
  4. Restart the terminal

  5. Execute One-Time Configuration

Setup Shortcuts

  1. Install sgit

  2. Run this command:

    sgit config --shortcuts

  3. Use predefined shortcuts to work with git repositories:

    gits is an equalent to git status

Predefined Shortcuts and Aliases for Common Commands

Alias Shortcut Command Description
s gits git status
pr gitpr git pull --rebase
c gitc git commit
cm gitcm git commit -m
cp gitcp git commit --amend Amend previous commit
cpn gitcpn git commit --amend --no-edit Amend previous commit without editing the commit message
ch gitch git checkout
f gitf git fetch
m gitm git merge
aa gitaa git add --all Add all changed files
ac gitac git add . Add current directory to staged area
sr gitsr git reset HEAD
sr1 gitsr1 git reset HEAD~1
sr2 gitsr2 git reset HEAD~2
hr githr git reset --hard HEAD
hr1 githr1 git reset --hard HEAD~1
hr2 githr2 git reset --hard HEAD~2
l gitl git log
l1 gitl1 git log -1
l2 gitl2 git log -2
l3 gitl3 git log -3
l4 gitl4 git log -4
l5 gitl5 git log -5

sgit Usage

Common usage

  1. Help

    $sgit --help

    Usage: sgit <command> [ARGUMENT VALUE]... [OPTION]...
    Global options:
            -h, --help                      print usage
            -v, --verbose                   verbose mode
            -q, --quiet                     only errors are printed
            --silent                        all messages are disabled
    Available commands:
            list                            prints lists of different objects(tools, git aliases)
            config                          configures git aliases, username, email, etc.
            Execute 'sgit <command> --help' for more information about a command

sgit Commands

Command Description
list Print different lists (list of available commands, pre-defined aliases)
config Configures multiple things in git

list Command

List all pre-defined aliases:

`$sgit list --aliases`
Result of the command

pr=pull --rebase
cm=commit -m
cp=commit --amend
cpn=commit --amend --no-edit
aa=add --all
ac=add .
sr=reset HEAD
sr1=reset HEAD~1
sr2=reset HEAD~2
hr=reset --hard HEAD
hr1=reset --hard HEAD~1
hr2=reset --hard HEAD~2
l1=log -1
l2=log -2
l3=log -3
l4=log -4
l5=log -5

List commands

`$sgit list --commands`
Result of the command


Execute 'sgit <command> --help' for details

config Command

One-Time Configuration

To configure git username, email, default editor and pre-defined aliases:

$sgit config --shortcuts --git-alias --global --username "Your Name" --email "Your Email" --editor vim

This command results into:

    editor = vim
        name = Your Name
        email = Your Email
        s = status
        pr = pull --rebase
        c = commit
        cp = commit --amend
        cpn = commit --amend --no-edit

Generic Configuration

Append --global option if you want to configure git aliases globally.

  1. Configure username:

    $sgit config --username "<Your Name>"

    $sgit config -u "<Your Name>"

  2. Configure email:

    $sgit config --email "<Your Email>"

    $sgit config -e "<Your Email>"

Multiple options can be applied simultaneously:

$sgit config -u "<Your Name>" -e "<Your Email>" --editor "vim"

Shortcuts Configuration

  1. Configure git aliases:

    $sgit config --git-alias

  2. Configure shortcuts:

    $sgit config --shortcuts

  3. Remove configuration:

    $sgit config --shortcuts --unset

    $sgit config --git-alias --unset

Contributions and Development


  1. Create an issue (what you want to see in this tool)
  2. Assign any issue to yourself
  3. Create a pull request


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