Upload form for subtitles as collateral for mediaobject and editing metadata using calls to knowledge graph. Searches by pid. Shows overview page with selection to either edit metadata or upload new subtitle file. Shows flowplayer with subtitles after you upload a valid srt. Subtitle srt is converted to webvtt for pre-viewing in flowplayer. Finally submit to mediahaven (show confirmation dialog if a srt is already linked). Allows basically to upload both closed and open srt files to videos for 'testbeeld' tenant (tenant is now only one but can be easily extended for multiple tenants).
Environment | Host |
INT | https://redactie-int.private.cloud.meemoo.be/ |
QAS | https://redactie-qas.hetarchief.be |
PRD | https://redactie.hetarchief.be |
- Git
- Docker
- Python 3.7+
- Linux (if you want to run it locally, uwsgi is not available on other platforms.)
- Access to the meemoo PyPi
Clone this repository with:
$ git clone https://github.com/viaacode/redactietool.git
Change into the new directory.
There is a Makefile included now. If you run make without arguments you can see all available commands:
$ make
Available make commands:
install install packages and prepare environment
clean remove all temporary files
lint run the code linters
format reformat code
test run all the tests
coverage run tests and generate coverage report
server start uvicorn development server and serve application locally
debug start server in debugging mode for auto restarting after code changes etc.
dockerrun run docker image and serve web application in docker
(normally only needed if there are deploy issues)
preview_bulma Preview changed bulma styling before copying into flask
precompile_bulma re-compile bulma with custom styling and injecet into flask app/static folder
vue_develop Start Vue.js frontend server for developing Vue components
vue_develop_api Start mocking server to supply suggest json content with CORS for calling during vue_develop cycle
precompile_assets re-compile vue components for release and inject into flask app/static folder
- Start by running make install which installs the pip packages and sets up the environment. First make sure you can also fetch the VIAA/Meemoo specific packages. This is done on macOS by editing the pip configuration file and then running make install:
macOS additional packages needed:
brew install libxml2 libxmlsec1 pkg-config
brew tap-new $USER/local
brew extract --version=1.2.37 libxmlsec1 $USER/local
brew uninstall libxmlsec1
brew install $USER/local/libxmlsec1@1.2.37
Now lxml works again. Later when lxml is fixed to work with newer libxmlsec1 again we can revert this like so:
# once python-xmlsec supports 1.3+ we can do following to undo it:
# brew uninstall $USER/local/libxmlsec1@1.2.37
# brew untap $USER/local
UPDATE for mac currently the libxmlsec1 installed with brew is a version that's incompatible with python package. We need to use this until
$ vi .config/pip/pip.conf
insert following:
index = http://meemoo_mvn_server:PORT/repository/pypi-all/pypi
index-url = http://meemoo_mvn_server:PORT/repository/pypi-all/simple
trusted-host = meemoo_mvn_server
$ make install
This creates a virtual env and installs all packages.
- Start the server in debug mode like so:
$ make debug
__________ .___ __ .__ ___________ .__
\______ \ ____ __| _/____ _____/ |_|__| ____ \__ ___/___ ____ | |
| _// __ \ / __ |\__ \ _/ ___\ __\ |/ __ \ | | / _ \ / _ \| |
| | \ ___// /_/ | / __ \\ \___| | | \ ___/ | |( <_> | <_> ) |__
|____|_ /\___ >____ |(____ /\___ >__| |__|\___ > |____| \____/ \____/|____/
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
Develop mode, running on http://localhost:8080
* Serving Flask app "app.redactietool" (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: on
{"message": " * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)"}
{"message": " * Restarting with stat"}
{"message": " * Debugger is active!"}
Run the tests with:
$ make test
To run the web application in production mode use this make command :
$ make server
The application is now serving requests on localhost:8080
. Try it with:
`$ curl -v -X GET`
Or just visit this url in your browser
Build the container and run it:
$ make dockerrun
To run the tests locally and also run flake8 linter/code checking:
$ make test
===================================== test session starts ======================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.7, pytest-5.4.1, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/wschrep/FreelanceWork/VIAA/subloader/python_env/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /Users/wschrep/FreelanceWork/VIAA/redactietool
plugins: recording-0.11.0, cov-2.8.1, mock-3.5.1
collected 29 items
tests/test_app.py::test_home PASSED [ 3%]
tests/test_app.py::test_liveness_check PASSED [ 6%]
tests/test_app.py::test_search_media_security PASSED [ 10%]
tests/test_app.py::test_search_media PASSED [ 13%]
tests/test_app.py::test_invalid_pid_entry PASSED [ 17%]
tests/test_app.py::test_empty_pid PASSED [ 20%]
tests/test_app.py::test_wrong_pid_entry PASSED [ 24%]
tests/test_app.py::test_working_pid_search PASSED [ 27%]
tests/test_app.py::test_bad_srt_upload PASSED [ 31%]
tests/test_app.py::test_invalid_upload PASSED [ 34%]
tests/test_app.py::test_empty_upload PASSED [ 37%]
tests/test_app.py::test_valid_subtitle PASSED [ 41%]
tests/test_app.py::test_valid_subtitle_capitals PASSED [ 44%]
tests/test_app.py::test_cancel_upload PASSED [ 48%]
tests/test_app.py::test_subtitle_videoplayer_route PASSED [ 51%]
tests/test_app.py::test_subtitle_videoplayer_route_unknownfile PASSED [ 55%]
tests/test_sidecar.py::test_sidecar_v2 PASSED [100%]
================================= 25 passed in 1.63s =================================
Running flake8 linter...
If you get flake8 warnings during development there's a scripts/autopep command you can run that will auto-fix most styling issues (basically a python equivalent to rubocop -a used in ruby projects).
Test coverage report can be generated with following coverage makefile command:
$ make coverage
Name Stmts Miss Cover
app/__init__.py 0 0 100%
app/config.py 20 0 100%
app/redactietool.py 339 58 83%
app/services/ftp_uploader.py 33 10 70%
app/services/input_escaping.py 35 0 100%
app/services/mediahaven_api.py 103 22 79%
app/services/meta_mapping.py 90 1 99%
app/services/mh_properties.py 70 18 74%
app/services/srt_converter.py 18 3 83%
app/services/subtitle_files.py 71 2 97%
app/services/suggest/Suggest.py 84 10 88%
app/services/suggest_api.py 40 10 75%
app/services/user.py 18 1 94%
app/services/validation.py 38 3 92%
app/services/xml_sidecar.py 111 3 97%
debug.py 3 3 0%
tests/__init__.py 2 0 100%
tests/conftest.py 10 0 100%
tests/fixtures.py 7 0 100%
tests/test_app.py 257 0 100%
tests/test_authorization.py 20 0 100%
tests/test_sidecar.py 10 0 100%
tests/test_srt_converter.py 5 0 100%
tests/test_suggest.py 42 0 100%
wsgi.py 3 3 0%
TOTAL 1429 147 90%
Coverage HTML written to dir htmlcov
Then you can open the generated test coverage report here:
open htmlcov/index.html
Best set following environment variables before running the server. This allows login to work and also makes the mediahaven calls to upload the srt and lookup metadata by pid functional:
export MEDIAHAVEN_API=https://archief-qas.viaa.be/mediahaven-rest-api
export MEDIAHAVEN_USER= lookup in team pass
export MEDIAHAVEN_PASS= lookup in team pass
export SAML_ENV 'saml/localhost' # or 'saml/prd' or...
export OAS_APPNAME 'mediahaven' # or whatever the application access app name needs be
export SECRET_KEY 'set_in_secrets_for_meemoo_saml_cookie'
export OBJECT_STORE_URL 'https://archief-media-qas.viaa.be/viaa/MOB'
export FTP_SERVER '' # ftp url for uploading subtitles (internal vpn url)
export FTP_DIR '/'
export TESTBEELD_PERM_ID 'uuid_here'
export ONDERWIJS_PERM_ID 'uuid2_here'
export ADMIN_PERM_ID 'uuid3_here'
export FTP_USER 'user'
export FTP_PASS 'pass'
export KEYFRAME_EDITING_LINK 'https://archief-qas.viaa.be/player?id='
export SPARQL_ENDPOINT = 'https://sparql_api_url'
export SPARQL_USER = lookup in team pass
export SPARQL_PASS = lookup in team pass
export FLOWPLAYER_TOKEN= lookup or ask Bart or Walter for this token
To run a server on port 8080:
$ make server
The root page is now a login screen that both supports a form based login and a one button/saml authentication which shares your login with other Meemoo applications.
following this link Redactietool localhost after you have the server running.
During development you can autoformat and check linting errors like so:
$ make lint
Auto reformatting (a lot like rubocop but then with python):
$ make format
To keep inline with most of our other web applications. A new makefile command called precompile_assets was added. This recompiles the bulma sass files with your customized variables and then places this in the correct location in the flask application static assets folder:
$ make precompile_bulma
re-compiling bulma components...
> bulma_latest_version@0.9.3 build frontend/bulma_styling
> webpack --mode production
asset css/mystyles.css 169 KiB [compared for emit] (name: main)
asset js/bundle.js 349 bytes [compared for emit] [minimized] (name: main)
Entrypoint main 170 KiB = css/mystyles.css 169 KiB js/bundle.js 349 bytes
orphan modules 172 KiB (javascript) 937 bytes (runtime) [orphan] 7 modules
runtime modules 274 bytes 1 module
cacheable modules 79 bytes (javascript) 169 KiB (css/mini-extract)
javascript modules 79 bytes
./src/index.js 29 bytes [built] [code generated]
./src/mystyles.scss 50 bytes [built] [code generated]
css modules 169 KiB
css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[0].use[2]!./src/mystyles.scss 68 bytes [built] [code generated]
css ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[0].use[2]!./src/mystyles.scss (1) 169 KiB [built] [code generated]
webpack 5.64.1 compiled successfully in 1236 ms
updating flask core css and overrides...
all done.
To easily work on the Vue.js frontend there's now a new makefile command:
$ make vue_develop
Then you just open a browser to port http://localhost:8081 and whenever you edit something in frontend/redactietool_widgets/src folder this will auto reload and show your changes.
The frontend also needs some data to work on. To be able to work fully offline there is also a mocking server that supplies data to the frontend to populate the dropdowns and vakken suggestions. To start it just use the following make command in a seperate terminal window:
$ make vue_develop_api
That starts a seperate minimal flask server with some mocked data responses.
Once you are satisfied with the updates you can push it to flask and it will automatically appear inside the metadata edit form. For making a new build of the vue components and auto inject into the flask jinja templates you use the following makefile command:
$ make precompile_assets
DONE Compiled successfully in 2790ms
File Size Gzipped
dist/js/chunk-vendors.fd3d1052.js 138.53 KiB 46.88 KiB
dist/js/app.e883cd90.js 18.34 KiB 4.84 KiB
dist/modal_dialog.js 2.06 KiB 0.67 KiB
dist/bundle.js 0.34 KiB 0.24 KiB
dist/mystyles.css 188.28 KiB 25.40 KiB
dist/css/chunk-vendors.ac5b10c9.css 7.29 KiB 1.71 KiB
dist/css/app.a5090ff4.css 1.23 KiB 0.45 KiB
dist/overrides.css 0.22 KiB 0.16 KiB
Images and other types of assets omitted.
DONE Build complete. The dist directory is ready to be deployed.
INFO Check out deployment instructions at https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/deployment.html
Updating vue includes in flask app...done.
The benefit here is it auto generates a unique and minified app.xyz.js file so the users see the new vue application when visiting the site without the need to shift-reload and also we update the version (git tag) in the dropdown menu so we can see what version is deployed on the openshift server. It also updates the flask base.html so that the new javascript and css imports point to the latest version.
Implementation was done using OneLogin's SAML Python Toolkit here https://github.com/onelogin/python3-saml. To have a seperate settings.json file per environment we made the following structure:
├── int
│ ├── advanced_settings.json
│ ├── certs
│ │ └── README
│ └── settings.json
├── localhost
│ ├── advanced_settings.json
│ ├── certs
│ │ └── README
│ └── settings.json
├── prd
│ ├── advanced_settings.json
│ ├── certs
│ │ └── README
│ └── settings.json
└── qas
├── advanced_settings.json
├── certs
│ └── README
└── settings.json
So for each environment a sp.key and sp.crt file is inserted using a volume mount that points to some openshift secrets defined in redactietool-saml-qas and redactietool-saml-prd. They mount to /app/app/saml/qas/sp.key and /app/app/saml/prd/sp.key and sp.crt respectively.
Future work could involve instead of having a seperate settings.json and advanced_settings.json per environment to do parsing of the the xml response from the idp and then generating the settings.json upon application startup. Mind that we still would need a way to correctly fill in the sp urls per environment also. The only real benefit would be that the public x509cert and the two urls singleSignOnService and singleLogoutService would be refetched dynamically upon application startup (but if these are changed you still need to remember to restart all related pods also).
For integration tests with other services like Mediahaven API and oas server logins we use pytest-recording pip package. If you want to rerecord the automated request responses used in some tests you can do so by deleting the yaml files in tests/cassettes. If you write new tests be sure to also filter out the authorization headers. Before this was done/configured we accidentally exposed a basic auth header in all generated yaml files (and this contains the pasword that is stored in normally an env var or secret because the header can be decoded).
To filter out headers in recorded api responses best use this snippet:
def vcr_config():
return {
"record_mode": "once",
"filter_headers": ["authorization"]