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San Francisco Crime

Running Project

Start Kafka & Zookeeper Services

docker-compose up -d kafka0 zookeeper

Start Producer to upload AVRO records to Kafka

docker-compose run --rm producer python -t crime_data -b kafka0:9093 ./producer_server/police-department-calls-for-service-schema.json police-department-calls-for-service.json

Start Consumer to download AVRO records

docker-compose run --rm consumer python ./ -t crime

Start Spark Streaming Job

# terminal 1 - start spark master - check localhost:8080
docker-compose run --service-ports --rm spark
# terminal 2 - start spark job in client mode - check localhost:4040
docker exec -ti  $(docker-compose ps -q spark ) bash  \
                 spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.11:2.4.3 \
                 --conf spark.executor.memory=1g \
                 --conf spark.executor.cores=1 \
                 --conf spark.driver.memory=1g \
                 --conf spark.driver.cores=1 ./

Picture Submissiones

Picture 1 - Take a screenshot of your kafka-consumer-console output. You will need to include this screenshot as part of your project submission.

Q1 - Picture 1 - Take a screenshot of your progress reporter after executing a Spark job.

Q1 - Picture 2 - Take a screenshot of the Spark Streaming UI as the streaming continues.

Picture 2 - Take a screenshot of your progress reporter after executing a Spark job.

Picture 3 - Take a screenshot of the Spark Streaming UI as the streaming continues.


How did changing values on the SparkSession property parameters affect the throughput and latency of the data?

max offset per trigger - the throughput was greatly increased just by increasing the this number because it would allow the client to greatly increase the fetch amount of rows from kafka.

What were the 2-3 most efficient SparkSession property key/value pairs? Through testing multiple variations on values, how can you tell these were the most optimal?

The most efficient pairs were high in memory, medium on cores, and really high on max offset per trigger. In the table below you can see the mean and mediam of records processed per second based on the different variables I changed. The value the most impacted the performance was max offset per trigger.

spark.executor.memory spark.executor.cores max offset per trigger mean median
2g 1 10 2.1279 2.3315
1g 1 200 32.45 36.28
1g 1 500 75.49 78.38

Below is the table containing all of the tests I performed.

spark.executor.memory spark.executor.cores max offset per trigger mean median
1g 1 10 1.903 2.018
1g 2 10 1.9881 2.11
1g 3 10 1.8813 2.0359
1g 4 10 2.06 2.316
2g 1 10 2.1279 2.3315
2g 2 10 1.6425 1.7528
2g 3 10 1.8041 1.8723
2g 4 10 1.8484 2.0739
1g 1 200 32.45 36.28
1g 2 200 27.55 31.08
1g 3 200 27.53 32.24
2g 1 200 31.66 34.41
1g 1 500 75.49 78.38