- 🔭 I’m currently working as:
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Data Science!
In this project, I was able to practice my data analysis abilities, using Python Packages related to Data Manipulation and Data Visualization, such as Pandas, Matplotlib.
It was very fun to analyze and understand various datasets related to the National Basketball Association (NBA). I could find a lot of interesting patterns and informations while studying and exercising importants concepts.
In this repository, I summarized all my assignments and works done throughout my Software Engineering Degree path.
This was my first full-stack project, in which I used React (JS) to design the front-end and FastAPI + Python to make calls to the Spotify API, manipulate the data I got and present it to the user.
I felt very realized that I was able to do a simple, but interesting project like this, since listening and searching about music is one of my biggests hobbies.