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Multiprocess Data Loader for ML Training


Install the dependencies in requirements.txt then simply run

pip install --upgrade git+

Quick Start

Given your Dataset class that exposes __getitem__ and __len__, you can create a SwiftLoader as follows:

from swift_loader import SwiftLoader

loader = SwiftLoader(
    dataset_kwargs=dataset_kwargs, # keyword-arguments for dataset construction,
    batch_size=32, # integer defining batch size
    nb_consumer=nb_gpu, # should be the number of GPUs used for training
    worker_per_consumer=4, # number of child processes that loads & batch data for a consumer (a GPU)

In the above code, nb_consumer specifies the number of GPUs that will be used for training or evaluation.

If you're training using 4 GPUs, set nb_consumer=4.

Each consumer (GPU) will effectively get 1/4 data from the dataset, which is loaded and batched together by 4 child processes (nb_worker_per_consumer).

For the best use of resources, nb_consumer * worker_per_consumer should not exceed the number of CPU cores in your machine.

The batch_size determines the minibatch size produced for each consumer (each GPU).

Then before starting to consume loader in your code, loader.start() should be called once to signal the loader to start loading:

loader.start(consumer_index: int, device: torch.device = None, to_device: Callable = None)

When calling start(), the index (starting from 0) of the consumer should be provided so the loader knows which part of dataset to work on.

Additionally, if device is specified (default is None), minibatch will be moved to the specified device.

When device is not None and if to_device is None (not provided), SwiftLoader will use the default function that recursively moves all numpy or torch.Tensor to the corresponding device.


If you're familiar with Fabric from Lightning AI, please checkout

All Aguments

In addition to the mandatory arguments, the following keyword arguments are supported:

  • seed_numer: (int) this number is used to in builtin random module. Default to int(time.time()*1000)
  • data_queue_size: (int) number of minibatches in the queues (queue in child processes, queue in parent process). Default to 10
  • message_queue_size: (int) number of telcom messages (not minibatches) that can stay in pipe. Default to 10
  • collate_fn: (callable) the function used to collate/batch samples. If not provided, SwiftLoader will use the default function, which only works with nested lists.
  • logger: (str, dict): if a str is provided, it should be the file prefix to save log files. If a dict is provided, it could have the following keys:
    • path: (str) file prefix to dump the log files
    • stdout: (bool) if True, will print to standard output
    • level: (str) log level
  • batch_encoder: (callable) because minibatches are prepared in child processes, they need to be serialized. Users can provide custom function to serialize a minibatch to bytes. If not provided, dill.dumps will be used.
  • batch_decoder: (callable) if batch_encoder is provided, users should also provide batch_encoder to reconstruct a minibatch from bytes. Default to dill.loads.
  • nearby_shuffle: (int) this number limits the amount of randomness when getting samples from dataset. Higher numbers lead to more randomness but might also affect performance of getting samples from the dataset if the implementation involves accessing a large binary files. Default to 5 * batch_size
  • benchmark: (bool) whether to perform various benchmark of dataloading and so on. Default to True.
  • benchmark_file: (str) if provided, the benchmark results are written to this file. Otherwise, it will be written to the log file if logger is defined.
  • validate: (bool) whether to test run the dataset and batching step before launching the workers. Default to True. If constructing a dataset is expensive and you are certain that dataset creation and batching have no issue, you can turn off this step to save some time.
  • multithread: (bool) if True, will use multiple threads, each thread will handle the telcom with one worker. Default to True.
  • max_nb_batch_on_device: (int) if data should be moved to device, this defines how many minibatches will stay on the device at the same time. Default to 1
  • max_buffer_size: maximum size of the buffer when reconstructing data from workers. Default to max(2, data_queue_size//worker_per_consumer)


Dat Tran (


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