- Create a service account on GCP and enable the
Drive API
in the project. Download key for the service account (format as shown below).
"type": "service_account",
"project_id": "<PROJECT-ID>",
"private_key_id": "<PROJECT-KEY-ID>",
"private_key": "<PRIVATE-KEY>",
"client_email": "<CLIENT-EMAIL>",
"client_id": "<CLIENT-ID>",
"auth_uri": "<AUTH-URI>",
"token_uri": "<TOKEN-URI>",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "<AUTH-PROVIDER-CERT-URL>",
"client_x509_cert_url": "<CLIENT-CERT-URL"
Store this in the root of the project as
. This file is added to .gitignore
- Create a constants.json file in the root of the project.
"files": [
"localPath": "<UNIQUE-FILE-NAME-1>.gz",
"parentDirId": "<PARENT-DIRECTORY-ID-1>",
"parentDirPath": "A unique identifier. For human to remember which parent folder/directory has the above ID",
"maxDays": 20,
"localPath": "<UNIQUE-FILE-NAME-2>.gz",
"parentDirId": "<PARENT-DIRECTORY-ID-2>",
"parentDirPath": "A unique identifier. For human to remember which parent folder/directory has the above ID",
"maxDays": 30,
Parent directory ID is the id of the folder in Google-drive in which, we plan to push the mongo backup. Make sure the service account has access to the directory.