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Remote robot using STM32, ESP8266 and Android
Video Tutorial:


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Java Desktop App

  • Use WASD to move around
  • QWERTY digits (1,2,3...,9,0) to set the speed (power) from 10% (1) to 100% (0)
  • R to toggle Driving Assintance
  • L to toggle LED Lights alt text

Wiring Diagram

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STM32 Pinout:
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Code Snippets

[STM32 C code] You have to change your WiFi SSID credentials in "myLibrary.h":

#define WiFi_Credentials	"AT+CWJAP=\"WiFiSSID\",\"WiFiPASSWORD\"\r\n"

[STM32 C code] Calculating the battery percentage:

  • You have to list all voltege regulators and components that are connected directly to the battery
  • Find out their lowest voltage needed to run (or regulate) properly
  • The highest low voltage will be a 0% of the battery for you (in this case minVoltage = 6.0V)
  • The 2 cell Lithium battery has voltage range 6.0V to 8.4V (voltageRange = 2.4V)
  • Estimate the voltage drop due to current load (voltageDrop = 0.05V)
  • Formula: percentage = ((batteryVoltage - minVoltage) / (voltageRange - voltageDrop))*100.0f;
void calculateBattery()
	percent = ((batteryVoltage-6.0f) / 2.35f)*100.0f;
	if(percent > 100.0f)
		percent = 100.0f;

[Java Desktop App] Also you have to change the IP addresses in "IP_STM32.txt" and "AndroidIP.txt" files,
which is automatically generated if does not exist and the JAR app is launched.


Use a DDNS service such as No-IP to create a hostname alt text

Add DDNS credentials to your router
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Reserve IP address of your IoT device (make it static, so it won't change over time)
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Setup a port forwarding rules for STM32 (ESP8266) and Android too.
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Now you can access the robot from anywhere.

Ultrasonic Sensors repository