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Some assignments done during my undergraduate course.

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Computer Science - UFES -

Here are presented some assignments done during my undergraduate course in computer science at UFES.

Directory structure

|- Algoritmos Numéricos I
	|- trab1: Piecewise interpolation via cubic splines.
|- Compiladores
	|- trab1: Implementation of a scanner for the language C-Minus.
	|- trab2: Implementation of a parser for the language C-Minus.
	|- trab3: Implementation of an AST and table of symbols and literals for the language C-Minus.
	|- trab4: Implementation of an interpreter of the language C-Minus.
|- Computação Gráfica
	|- trab1: Implementation of a circle with drag-and-drop and resize functions (2D).
	|- trab2: Implementation of a player and hurdles with collision detection and jump effect (2D).
	|- trab3: Implementation of shooting and improvements on moving (2D).
	|- trab4: Implementation of a gameplay (2D).
	|- trab5: Implementation of a shooting game (3D).
|- Estrutura de Dados II
	|- trab1: The travelling salesman problem: Solutions with the optimal algorithm and the heuristics nearest neighbor, 2-opt and convex hull. 
	|- trab2: Implementation of a search engine comparing the algorithms hash table (linear, rehash and chained) and B-tree.
	|- trab3: Implementation of a job scheduler comparing the algorithms beam search and branch and bound.
	|- trab4: Sorting Algorithms Analysis: bubble sort, shake sort, insertion sort, shell sort, selection sort, rank sort, merge sort, heap sort, radix sort (decimal and binary) and quick sort (pivot: first, central, median of three and random)